National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

I still think the move was trading the younger pieces for another guy.

Any specific guy you have in mind? I’m not sure the pieces added up to a guy that you want and can actually get.

This is how the Lakers ended up with RWB. Give me back the fucking pieces.

The hard part is making the salaries work, and the amount of guys who were hurt. They probably could have had Beal, but he got injured in what, Feb?

Some people thought Kuminga was nearly untouchable earlier. But, he can’t play right now. Even if it wasn’t a star, would a Norm Powell/Reggie Jackson type really help right now? I think so, but it obviously makes less sense to trade much for that type of guy.

Just catching up but there have been a few of those. One was pretty close. It’s more negative EVtjan ever w the state of reffing.

Rings are so hard to win, I think you do whatever you can to get a ring. You got a top 10 all time great player, gotta maximize every one of his last great years.

If it still works then thats amazing. But if it doesn’t you robbed your organization of a better chance to win a ring. I think trading for a win now player would’ve been the smart play by far.

Lot of these young guys are great, but its very unlikely they’re still a contending team when Steph is no longer a top player Big gamble

Biggest problem is its hard to just trade the pieces bc of salaries. Even getting a guy like Eric Gordon would have been tough.

You could maybe have gotten a Beal type guy for Wiggins+Kuminga. Steep price though.

Trading wigs would be so dumb. He’s our 2nd best and most important player. I was more thinking kuminga/moody and then salary filler for a solid role player. Maybe someone who could protect the paint better and get you 10-14 ppg. That would make this team a lot better.

Pretty confident they win this series though. They play so much better at home. Their stats all season and in the playoffs have increased by like 20% at home it’s insane.

Took the Celtics an insane legendary shooting night to win game 1. 52% on 45 3s is wild. You wouldn’t expect another shooting night like that.

In fact if they shot their averages even on wide open shots this series would be 3-1.

What if the Celtics would have won that game if there had been two off days instead of one?

I mean they’re the much younger team in the most important roles, now that they got a lot of rest after the bucks series short turn around should benefit them.

Plus Klays legs are much better off multiple days off.

Horford and Robert Williams could use an extra day. I think the Celtics also benefit more from the coaching staff having an extra day to prepare their young players while Kerr likes to lean into his veterans.

Lies. The Warriors are perfect and the Celtics are trash. They only got here by luck and the Warriors only played fully healthy teams. Shut up heathen.

Rob was hobbled at the end of the 4th last game and couldn’t even run so maybe the 2 days will make a difference for him next game.

Regardless Warriors should be favored at home. They would’ve been up 2-0 there if it wasn’t for an insane shooting night for the Celtics. They even shoot 40% which is well above their average on wide open 3s, they lose that game 1.

It’s pretty unfair to say “if the Celtics don’t shoot lights out they lose game 1” and ignore the fact that Curry literally had one of the most impressive finals games of all time to drag his team to victory.

Like I think the series has been fairly even. Probably say Warriors have been slightly better but not “clearly 3-1” better.

Plus I expect Warriors to get the home whistle. Curry should’ve had like 8 more FTs, they called a bunch of silly Celtic flops. So refs should go into game 5 looking to do a much better job there.

I think Dubs should try to keep using what worked in game 4. Try to match Boston’s attempts inside the paint, expecting a hometown whistle.

Funnel as many minutes from Draymond to the mitten as possible. Try to steal a few extra minutes of rest for Steph early on.

That’s true, but it’s Steph Curry. I think he can do that pretty regularly if they aren’t going to double/blitzs him like every team has done the last 7 years.

But the thing is, people are talking about it letting Curry go off. But it’s also shutting down everyone else and making Dray unplayable. The big men dropping on Steph completely takes away warriors bread and butter of the short roll 4v3 when they get super easy uncontested dunks/layups. I think you’re better off trying to make Curry beat you by himself than letting Dray play 4v3 and not be a total liability.

Also for " clearly the better team " I meant mostly at home. They play so, so much better at home its like a different team. Overall the teams are very even, Boston has the talent advantage, Warriors got the Curry advantage and experience.

I favor the Warriors slightly because its 2 games at home now and I think Celtics to win on the road against the warriors they need to shoot crazy good. I expect them to beat warriors game 6 though, unless of course game 6 Klay comes out crazy.

Boston team is really, really good, I’d say maybe 60/40 in favor of the warriors right now.

Although if it goes 7 like I kinda expect barring an insane game 6 Klay, 1 game in game 7 will have a ton of variance. Likely come down to who has better shooting.

7 games is too short to expect them to regress to the mean, but it’d be nice if they just at least shoot their damn averages, even better if they get some 25-30% games.

I’d be really happy for him.


Hopefully to close out the series. If Boston wins game 5, even if warriors win game 6 off nuclear Klay you’d have to favor the Celtics because they would continue to prove they never lose b2b games.

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Remember all the slander Wigs got for being an all star? Maybe not a starter, but he’s been the 2nd best player on this team the entire playoffs and his defense + rebounding is why we’re where we are at. 16 rebounds in game 4, we lose even with nuclear Curry if he doesn’t get ALL of those.

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