National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Boy, I sure hope the Celtics don’t regret that last 7 and a half minutes for the rest of their lives!

Jimmy Butler alpha-ing and then Steph Curry refusing to shoot less than 50% from 3 for the series. My poor heart.

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Lol, still don’t know what you are watching. Refs allowed “physical play” all game on both sides, which is a prerequisite for the Warriors as the much older and slower team. When the Warriors would go on a run then the refs would suddenly start whistling that physical play to stop the run and keep it close. The last 5 minutes were reffed straight up and the Warriors took it.

A truly masterful and versatile performance by masters at their craft. Game 5 will be reffed the same. Only rig job left that will heavily favor one side is game 6 if Cs drop game 5.

So how high does meb climb in the Gettin’ the Haters MAD standings if he puts Larbon #2?

If he benches Draymond and gives most of the minutes to Bjelica, how do we feel about that?

Yeah he’s ridiculous. Both teams were dead tired and yet he’s still running off screens like a maniac at the end. Celtics mustered 6 points the last half of the 4th after going up 91-85.

It was disgusting how many wide open 3s Boston and even Klay bricked.

Take away 10 of his minutes, give 7 to Looney and the rest to Kuminga or Iggy

Not going to argue but your wrong. Steph should’ve had like 8+ fts. Pretty much everyone on reddit agrees and they’re mostly against the warriors

I mean lol

Looney and opj

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Only noticing the permitted physicality on one end of the floor, Stim San. Tatum and Brown had 7 FTs combined. Was enough contact for the refs to give them 20+ if they wanted to rig outright for the Cs.


You all knew it was coming.

Spoiler: I have Steph ranked higher than I’ve ever seen him ranked on an all-time list

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As a lolcasual fan who hasn’t watched basketball in ages and is only watching because the Celtics are in the finals (so, just the worst kind of “fan” imaginable), it is my observation that there is physical contact on almost every shot taken from inside the three point line. It appears to be almost entirely subjective whether or not a foul is called. The officials “controlling the game” is therefore unavoidable unless there’s going to be a foul called on every play.

That is just my very low-value two cents.

Similar to you but I just really started watching a few months ago, my take is it’s very similar to holding in the NFL, where officials could basically call it on every play

Yeap and it’s bullshit. Especially the moving screens. You’ll see 30 egregious ones and then some clown like Smart or Draymond initiates contact on one and they call it. The inconsistentcy is maddening.

Contact per se isn’t strictly a foul that has to be called one way or another. Contact initiated by an offensive player into a defender who is set or moving only vertically and who isn’t otherwise initiating his own contact (like, jumping straight up, but also grabbing the jersey of the offensive player) is basically never a foul unless it gets “forcible” enough to merit an offensive foul. It’d be terrible for the game if the slightest contact between a defender and an offensive player running a screen for another player was a defensive foul, or if someone driving to the basket got called for an offensive foul simply for brushing a defender.

The NBA made some changes to nix players (James Harden was a master of this) awkwardly initiating contact with a defender outside the arc and then wildly hurling the ball in the vaguest direction of the hoop to earn 3 free throws. Now it’s just no call, play on. I guess it’s subjective, but man, that shit makes for a terrible product to watch. I want to watch freaks of nature make freakish baskets in the course of play, not people flail out of control so they can get 3 easy ones.

I don’t watch a ton of basketball, but a lot more than you. I feel more or less the same way.

Kinda wild that just a few months ago everyone was talking about how steph was passed his prime, not close to a top 5 player etc.

I want him to win and get his fmvp so badly. Dude gets so much hate and doubters for an all time great.

Dude looks like he’s got a couple more elite years in the game. Which should scare teams because they will only be better as their rookies grow and klay gets a full off season plus maybe Wiseman ends up a solid contributor

Continuing to trend this way.