National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

everyone avoid the 2 seed down the stretch is gonna be funny

Iā€™m rooting for the Nets to lose the play-in games.

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I want the nets to lose as much as i want the warriors to win.

Not just kyrie but kd. Stuff like him openly criticizing kerr saying they do too much motion offense, acting like he knows better than kerr the warriors needed him, and his burner acciunt liking posts shitting on curry. His pm to that actor being super homophobic and threatening him.

Plus i want curry to get another ring while kd doesnt. Curry was so selfless and kd was a prick.

Warriors vs nets final would be stressful as hell for me

Did you see his recent comments saying the warriors have to retire his jersey?


And okc lol. The fans hate him.

I mean gsw will obviously but i wish they wouldnt. They easily could have still won rings if they used that max spot for another good player that wasnt kd. Id even say they were favorites to do so

Canā€™t retire a jersey of a guy who doesnā€™t even spend 5 years with you

Shaq was in Miami four years and got retired.

Is Morant supposed to be back around the time playoffs start?

So I guess the Clippersā€™ G-League squad is better than the Bucksā€™ G-League squad.

Is it possible the Grizzlies are better without Morant?

He isnā€™t a super efficient scorer. So if they can replace him with better defense, a couple role players who can pick up his scoring with equal or better efficiency, and a better passer/player maker in Jones, that would make them better no?

This is kinda why I think for people who main thing is scoring have to be well above league average in efficiency. Because if you can replace their scoring with equal or better efficiency between multiple players you donā€™t lose much

Value over replacement kinda thing.

Like heā€™s obviously a great player, so it sounds stupid, but 22 games is a large sample.

Nah. Just shows how deep Memphis is. They legit have like 11 guys that are quality NBA players.

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Itā€™s like the Warriors being better without Durant.

The basketball may be more beautiful as a collective, but the iso talent helps at the highest levels. Same thing at the end with the Spurs and Kawhi (they ran their offense and then Kawhi was the bailout); having an individual thatā€™s unguardable is a necessity to win big.

Him being 6ā€™1 is where the comparison breaks down and note very few teams have won with a little man leading them (largely just the Bad Boys Pistons excepting the one GSW title pre-Durant). Itā€™s a different era with the emphasis on the 3 but itā€™s still Bron, Durant, Kawhi, and Giannis that have been winning.


I was doublechecking my height listing of 6ā€™1. Thatā€™s what he looks like to me.

I googled it, said heā€™s 6ā€™3. Also noticed Trae Young was 6ā€™1.


Well, I bought a few packs of basketball and baseball cards while waiting for a prescription at Walgreens and pulled a Ja Morant, so HEā€™D BETTER PROVE HIS WORTH.

Yup. It might not matter as much in the regular season where no one is making adjustments game to game, but absolutely matters in the playoffs.

Well maybe the warriors were better without KD and curry dragged his sorry ass to two rings!

Now this is standard smh

Big game tonight with Nets/Hawks. Might determine who gets into the top and bottom half of the play in tournament.

As of tonight, the Nets are the 9 seed in the East.

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Losing when Kyrie/KD give you 86 seems bad