National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)


(it was somehow ruled a goaltend, but reviewed and ruled a clean block)

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The first couple games together harden and embiid looked unstoppable. Havent been great since and i dont think their style of flopping for free throws will go well in the playoffs.

Jokic should be mvp. Crushing advantaged stats

Jokic was +220 earlier this month and +160 just yesterday and is now just about tied with embiid on almost every book. Giannis also crushed tonight and his block against embiid is going to get a lot of play, i think +1600 on FD is amazing odds especially if the Bucks win the east. Threw $50 on that

Giannis’ block on Embiid kept the two of them with the exact same number of points scored in the exact same number of games.



I’ve been a Laker fan since the 80s, and I can’t tell you how hard I’m rooting against this year’s team. Burn it to the ground.

Wild that Giannis will be first or second leading scorer + DPOY but 3rd in mvp

Jokic now fav

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He’s suffering from the same thing Jordan and Lebron did before him. When you’re dominant at that level, people want to give other people their turn. His past 4 seasons are arguably the best 4 season stretch by an individual player in NBA history, and he’s only 27.

Jordan’s MVP history was pretty interesting. He got one early, and then the two after that went to Magic as a dominant player on great Laker teams. Arguably Jordan deserved those ones, too, but it wasn’t from the phenomenon you describe.

Then MJ had two MVPs in a row as the undisputed best player in the world on the best team in the world. The 92-93 season is when they gave it to Barkley - I think this fits your comment. Barkley had a compelling narrative having moved to Phoenix and making them a 60 win team. That season also seemed like a disappointment for the Bulls at the time, their regular season wins came down to 57 from 67 the prior year. There certainly would have been some feeling that Bulls were “fading” based on regular season play. Of course MJ had the final word, beating both the 60 win Knicks and Barkley’s Suns on the way.

The next couple of years were Jordan’s missed and partial seasons, so you can forgive the voters for giving the MVPs to Hakeem and David Robinson.

The three years after that, MJ won 2 of the 3 MVP awards. The one in 96-97 went to Karl Malone, in the pattern you describe. The Jazz had a great year at 64-18 but the Bulls were even better at 69-13! This one feels like what you are describing, some boredom with Jordan’s transcendence.

So I see two cases of Jordan being robbed of the MVP, with the Karl Malone award being more obvious. At least when Barkley won, the Bulls were having a “down” year by their standards.

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Pretty much this. It’s voter fatigue wanting a different flavor.

Yeah I think in 5 years tbh it would look better if Embiid got 1 if Giannis another. While Jokic has obviously been amazing I just doubt it will age as well even if the numbers for him are worthy.

Every year Bill Laimbeer didn’t get the MVP was a sham anyway. Grit and leadership and defense and violence win basketball games. Not this fancy “jumping” and “shooting” nonsense.


He was an asshole. But he was our asshole. In Jordans last 11 full Bulls seasons, only the Pistons beat him in the playoffs.

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My number one favorite characteristic in an athlete is absurdity. Laimbeer would make me laugh more than any other player, I think of all time. Cartoonish villainy is fucking hilarious in sports.

Plus he played a Sleestack on the OG Land of the Lost when he was high school or early college age.

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Didn’t Jokic already get his turn?

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Hawks might win by 80.

Luka had 35/12/12 yesterday tying Giannis for most 30 plus point triple doubles.

Got 35/13/9 today.

So much for klay playing better.

Warriors probably need to decide if they want to contend this year they eirher need to bench him or get him to stop shooting 30 shots a game when hes shooting like 30%. Impossible to win games with that on your team

Oopps didnt mean to reply to you.

Find it odd poker players dont appreciate the guy who absolutely smashes advanced

Jokic is insane.

Giannis getting DPOY isnt really justified. Bucks have the #15 defense