National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Mavs heard about your bet because they straight up just doubled him every time he crossed half court. Didn’t seem like a great strategy either because it allowed Moody to take a bunch of wide open shots and they tied the game.

Ended up losing because Warriors defense is ass without Dray.

Get used to seeing this. They don’t give you the headband unless Supersaiyan potential confirmed.

I’ve been more and more impressed with Brunson every time I see him play. Dude’s solid, is he an unrestricted FA after this year?

When your name is Tristan Thompson, it’s easy.

James Harden with the classic dropkick shot.

Edit: I don’t know why the video isn’t embedding, works on the link

On the one hand that is loltastic.

On the other hand, if they keep giving him that call, what’s he supposed to do? Not take it?

EDIT: Looks like it was an offensive foul, so never mind.

only thing is, if it’s game 7 of the series and it’s close and the road team is driving down, the cleaning guy can just run out there and just tackle the guy? Probably should have a rule for that.

It’s supposed to be a technical from what I read but lol refs

Every guy on NBA Countdown has a different, weird way of standing and placing their hands. Whatever, they are absolutely going in on RWB, Magic says potentially WOAT Laker trade and ragged on him for several minutes straight

I think he is. They are very much worried about losing him, which I think is very likely as he will get pretty big offers. I am a big Brunson fan and been fun to see him moved into the starting lineup this year but I still think his best spot is six man ball handler leading a second unit. Many top ten teams could find a spot for him for sure.

One of the reasons they got dimwiddle was because they probably will lose Brunson.

The Warriors are so deep in the luxury tax they have to scale back a but imo.

Honestly props to the owners if they don’t.

Jarrett Allen broken finger god damnit

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The Cavs have been absolutely ravaged by injuries. Stay reasonably healthy and it might have been a dream season.

I wonder if he ever coached his daughters’ soccer team?

How do you feel about going into Memphis round 2?

Haha jesus fucking christ can we bring the russian oligarchs back?

On the one hand, LOL Ranadive. On the other hand if I were him and I could buy an NBA team and fucking Chelsea, I’d absolutely do it.

hilarious they’re pushing a russian oligarch out and may immediately regret it