National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

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damn that shit was at the top of its arch. Man got hops

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every team it seems has either dealt with stuff like that earlier or is now or will soon enough now KD is out 4-6 weeks. That plus covid has created a strange regular season so far with so many bunched teams.

Don’t know anything about him, but he clearly has “smartest guy in the room” syndrome and thinks that he can say shocking, abhorrent things just because he thinks he so fucking smart and that others will just go along with him because they think he’s so fucking smart.

That and he’s proud of being an awful person because he being an awful person is a necessary trait to getting rich.

I read a few of the replies and there’s plenty of fellows there who will “well, actually” and then describe what he really means by his response

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If curry returns and gets out of his slump they wi be fine. I kinda wanna see ball dominant Steph with kuminga after they all get comfortable.

Also think klays weird minutes are throwing off everyone’s rhythm. Theyve shot like shit since he’s been back

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I mean like 70% of our country feels exactly like he lol. They’re a Muslim minority. If maga land wants to land points on China or trigger libs they might say different but overall at best they don’t give a shit but mostly they love it.

Good chunk of shitlibs don’t care either.

Still force that asshole to sell his 10%. Shouldn’t be able to own a hotdog stand there after saying that

that the guy who owns it went “hey dude want 10%?” to, so they’re clearly good friends.

Nice try though.

also it’s in his twitter bio, literally says owner warriors

Only way to avoid the “slander” is to get him the fuck out. As long as he is there, I’m afraid you have to take it.

They took the Clippers away from Donald Sterling. This should be a cakewalk in comparison.

they’ll kiss china’s ass again is what they’ll do

they forced morey to be fired from houston

Oh, I’m not saying they will do anything. I’m just saying that they could if they gave a shit, which they don’t.

Luka’s last five games shooting:


His three point shooting has been awful. The mavericks have been winning despite his shooting.

Did the NBA mess with the ball or the rim or something recently that suddenly guys like Steph and Luka can’t shoot anymore?

There was a new ball introduced this year

Yeah lots of guys 3p shots have been shit this year. Really wonder if the new ball is fucking shit up.

That said Steph was still crushing early this year.