National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Bob been having some very bad tweets defending his actions as a front office guy.

About everything.

This is getting better and better!

Canā€™t wait for Ben to show up at practice in a neck brace. Shit they might as well go full Weekend at Bernieā€™s and have Rich Paul push the wheelchair.

cliffs on haralolbob? Iā€™m not gonna listen to that

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Damn, Bucks already load managing. Jrue, Brook Lopez, Portis, DDV, Semi, and Hood all out for the Miami game.

(They are all actually injured, just feels like a February G-league forfeit game)

Yup, itā€™s definitely a G-league forfeit game.

Lol, Morey is a complete doofus that doesnā€™t understand humans:

Can you at least apologize for not trading him early in the off-season for decent value like 29 other GMs would have done? Your ā€œcomfortable being uncomfortableā€ line is well on the way to Simmons having a complete mental breakdown and blowing Embiidā€™s prime.

CJ McCollum plus some filler for Simmons on the first day of the off-season would have been a perfectly cromulent way to resolve the situation.

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Steph is having a steph kind of game right now. The shot is perfect.

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End of the 1st - 25 points 9/9 fg 5/5 3s. Pretty decent.

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I have been impressed with this Wardell fellow

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alright fine Iā€™ll stop trying to fade him in these big multi things backfired like hell x 2 so far

i had plenty of steph but i also had 88% of giannis so harold

Not sure if that trade was available then. He seems committed to waiting until some team changes direction and no longer prioritizes winning this season.

Seems dray being 1/7 ft doesnā€™t help


Wow - even accepting his versions of events, he sounds like a huge egotistical ass. I really doubt him leaving one game was the only reason Doncic disliked him.

He seems like a guy that is sure heā€™s the smartest person in the room (and maybe he was) so is dismissive of everyone else. Had he just had a bit more social ability, he easily could be a GM now (and I donā€™t believe for a moment that wasnā€™t his goal or that he quit rather than was let go).


Yeah Bob doesnā€™t strike me as a guy who works well with others and has limited interpersonal skills.

As for Mavs that were ass vs hawks. Why do I deserve fat mike and Jason Kidd.

i think his appeal to begin with is that mystique over his ā€œdataā€. lol @ having to go to his computer 45 seconds before the game ends. As if he has some super computer he needs to jump start.

if he was more social maybe someone would question what exactly is he doing. as someone who was involved with a very successful sports betting group, iā€™m fairly certain his betting success reputation is laughably exaggerated.


i mean if he did profit multiple 100s of millions then the reputation is legit. I just know how the European punters won billions and itā€™s impossible to do so in NBA

His operation has 100s of employees at his company + a full stat collecting company that he is their only client:

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