National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Other than being generally disgusted, I’m not sure how to feel about a story containing no apparent villain saying that X, who is white, said blah about Y, who is black, and also that X, who, let us remember, is white, is said to have been hooking up with Z, who is black. Is X a villain?

I’m amused by the speculation this is coming from Nichols as part of an “I have a black friend (with benefits)” defense against charges of racism.

If that was the plan, it seems to have backfired, as the charges have been amended to racist and slutty. I don’t see the taped comments as clearly racist. The comments I’ve seen reported don’t include anything remotely negative about Taylor. She’s pissed she lost her job and she says negative (afaik true) things about ESPN. Maybe this is ESPN execs punishing her for that.

She has lost her gig and one would think possibly her job based on the trajectory. I can’t tell what’s true and what’s rumor as far as what she said. Sucks that she got recorded.

I’m a pig and I’m amused if they were together loud enough to get a security visit and then they did an interview afterward. Not judging them (no need to page Clovis) just amused.

Hopefully we’ve all had the experience of being loud enough that security could have been called.

We had a couple at work that tried to keep their relationship on the down low. But it was observed that they came back after lunch in their own cars about a minute apart and both were flush and sweaty. On multiple days. That was 25 years ago and they were both recently out of long term relationships where they were the “brokee”. It all turned out well. They got married and as far as I know still are. That kind of amused.

The sex part and the talking about her bosses part are funny because hell, we’re all human. Too bad anybody has to suffer because of it. Unless she really is a bitter racist, I guess.

Not sure how that you don’t reach that conclusion from:

“If you need to give her more things to do because you are feeling pressure about your crappy longtime record on diversity — which, by the way, I know personally from the female side of it — like, go for it. Just find it somewhere else. You are not going to find it from me or taking my thing away.”

Giannis is starting.

Dude really is a freak of nature. I have no idea who I want to win here. I guess CP3 for the legacy. Both teams are insanely likeable.

Booker getting the Michael Jordan whistle, yet all-star Khris Middleton gets hammered into the stanchion on a layup and nothing.

I really wonder what goes on in coaching meetings. Everyone knows that the Bucks’ offense works best when Jrue is the initiator and is aggressive. Without Giannis against the Hawks, Jrue (and Midds) took control and had a lot of success. Now that Giannis is back, Jrue forgot how to play offense.

What kind of sorcery is this! Giannis is barely even running.

That aside, and he has played ok, I don’t think Giannis looks good. There have been a few times where he would’ve normally led fast break and dominated, but he’s had to pull it back. He’s also had a few short shots where he normally just explodes for a jam and couldn’t do it.

Lopez is unplayable on defense against the Suns. Problem is, you need him on offense.

Doesn’t help that Jrue, Midds, and Tucker are all playing like shit and Giannis is hobbled. Then again, the Bucks are always terrible in Game 1’s.

Bucks just don’t have enough dudes.

Bucks are 1-2 in Game 1s and 11-3 outside of game 1s in this year’s playoffs. And the one game 1 they won was their worst game of that series.

I know I said it before, but everyone is sleeping on Donte’s importance. Not having him is rough. He could’ve stayed with Paul or Booker well enough to slow them down a bit and he’s a good ball mover on offense.

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Just hard to win a series against a healthy team without having ~8 dudes who can be positive players. I think it will be tough for the Bucks to get that.

I feel like rebounds is an overrated stat. I’ll see some game where, say, Trae Young has a triple-double, but all of his rebounds are just wide open defensive boards when the offense runs back on defense. Is there a stat for contested rebounds or something?

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Interesting stats: Suns are up 15. Both teams have made the same number of shots, Bucks have made 4 more threes. Suns have taken 21 free throws and made them all, Bucks have shot 6.

Apparently once you are fouled you can take an infinite number of steps. Giannis briefly rode on CP3’s back, the whistle blew and I swear there were at least 4 steps before the ball was shot.