National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

I know the Bucks sucks but i had to scroll for a while to find this thread.

I canā€™t follow too close or Iā€™ll end up with an upset stomach.

Itā€™s actually understandable how people want to turn over cars and burn shit after a championship.

This is seemingly less competitive than the really uncompetitive Stanley Cup Finals.

Phoenix is playing out of their minds. I still think it goes 7 games though.

And on a bum knee.

LOL wat

I wouldnā€™t want to be Australia right now.

would you believe nigeria has 8 nbaā€™ers

not that it matters of course, jfc apparently nobody on team usa plays defense, kind of a problem

Mike Brown just wins.

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Pretty simple game. Bucks just need to keep using Giannis like this.


Holy binomial distribution, Batman!

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If the restricted area line was the 3pt line he still wouldā€™ve only had 1


I wouldnā€™t want to be Argentina right now.


USA loses two in a row. Might not be their year.

Maybe USA wouldā€™ve gotten hammered by Australia but the loss fired them up and they only lost by 8

Giannis was unstoppable inside in Game 3 so the Bucks came out and got him his first shot in Game 4ā€¦checks notesā€¦ 6 minutes into the game.

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Heā€™s been a hell of a decoy in the first half. Feels like the entire team is on drugs.

Giannis looks like thereā€™s something wrong with him other than his knee. Heā€™s got nothing out there on either end. Itā€™s bizarre after his previous two games.

Only Booker looks sharp for Phoenix.
