National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

I have not seen this happen in my lifetime and I’m fairly old. I am happy.


Also, while he played very well, my favorite part of the game was Reddish talking shit and doing the whole “you can’t stop me” face whenever he sliced the Hawks’ deficit from double digits to double digits.

Any news on giannis?

There was some unconfirmed report earlier today that he wasn’t going to play tonight but would play Game 7, but who knows. I’m just shocked he didn’t tear everything in his knee.

Bucks as a perennial 8-seed was much better for my health.

As a Suns fan, I’m not sure how much of these finals I’ll be able to watch. Too stressful. So this is about as close as I can get to talking trash. GL

Speaking as a Cavs fan, the championship years were both the most joyful and stressful moments of sports watching, and far more the latter than the former.

It’s almost a relief that the team is back to sucking.

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“years”? How many championships do you think they have?

The years reaching the finals. Same stress level win or lose.

I guess the “joyful” part added to the confusion. Definitely not same joy level, right?

Yeah should have said “finals” years, since there was joy (and stress along the way) in even reaching them, even though it only worked out one year, which was far and away the was the most stressful (and joyful) of all of them.


Enjoy the ride

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I’m surprised you had any stress during Cavs-Spurs. They were never winning that one ever.

I’d have been through all five stages of grief before the tipoff of game 1.

LOL at why Jimmy Butler is trending on Twitter.

Wow. All I see is rumors. Any eyewitnesses?

we don’t know for sure it was her but nobody believes the thumping noise was him dribbling a basketball

I clicked on it and saw 500000 misogynistic tweets. Nba player had sex with a woman? Seems like a news worthy story.

If the Jimmy Butler rumors are true, I hope Rachel got better about turning off her video feed to Bristol. [I’d also note that the timing of these rumors coming out now seems… not entirely random]

"Unbeknown to Nichols, her video camera was on, and the call was being recorded to a server at ESPN’s headquarters in Bristol, Conn.

It is not clear why her camera was on, but most people at ESPN believe that Nichols, using new technology during a pandemic, did not turn it off properly. It was effectively the remote pandemic version of a hot mic incident.

Dozens of ESPN employees have access to the company’s video servers as part of their normal work flow.

At least one of these people watched the video on the server, recorded it on a cellphone and shared it with others. Soon, more copies of the conversation were spreading around ESPN, and within hours it reached ESPN executives,"


So this lady vents in a situation she thinks is private, recording that didn’t need to go public does, and now people people are spreading rumors about her sex life. I mean it’s possible she’s a terrible person and people are out for revenge. But afaik, and seemingly more likely, she’s just normal and people are shitty and need something to do before gametime.

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She’s a normal white person.