National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

When’s he going to post in this thread?


he literally replied to it with you’re a child murderer, so can’t say he didn’t live up to the reputation.

For the record I’m absolutely not talking about you. I think you’ve been perfectly reasonable

I don’t think anyone knows exactly what’s “supported by the data” wrt choking other than it’s real because there isn’t enough dimensional capture or granularity to definitively answer some of these questions using quantitative inference techniques. For example, pitch tipping is absolutely real in baseball. What does “the data” say about that? What even is the data?

In baseball there are rational ways to try to measure clutchness because of the vastness of the data. You can also run standard statistical tools to test the likelihood of variations from the null hypothesis that there is no clutchness in hitting. This isn’t controversial I don’t think. The results of the work suggests that there is some variation of performance in high leverage situations so the data doesn’t “prove” that clutchess is non existent.

Yeah I’m very familiar with baseball metrics but I’m asking specifically about pitch tipping. It’s absolutely real. I’ve seen it in person and could call every pitch. Pitchers, hitters, and coaches all know it’s real. How many sabr bros have been able to detect pitch tipping with quant models? What I’m saying is that there’s a measurement issue here.

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Clutch is over used to create narratives for ratings so they can sell ads.

That being said it would be naïve to think all players react to pressure the same way.

Most of it can be chalked up to small sample sizes of professional athletes competing against each other.

John Wooden said poise was just being yourself. The best “clutch” players are the best at just being themselves when the pressure is at it’s highest. If they miss a shot it might be that it’s a shot they make 40% of the time and they just missed it.

Feeling pretty good about my 76ers in 5 take


He’s been in commercials and if you watch the Raps he’s hard to miss. Basically our spike lee


Lol this fight is incredible.

Seems like an uncommon case of the higher ground being a disadvantage.

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good point

Do we actually have a series now!? Fun game. Pj Tucker playing out of his mind.

the thing with “super teams” is that if you take out 2 of the 3 supers, it’s just a team.

I admittedly don’t watch a ton of games that don’t involve my rooting interest, but man, I’ve never seen a team set as many illegal screens as the Nets. Players always slide a little or try to give themselves a little advantage, but the Nets throw elbows, knees, hips, and try to trip opposing players. Refs have actually called a few in this series, too, which is shocking.

A lot of sus fouls on Giannis

I was told the Bucks were finished.

If they can hurt Durant next game they have a chance

They better take out Jeff Green too just to be on the safe side.