Moving the Biden Administration left

@microbet - Would you like to comment on if that response is in good faith?

I should invent a good faith scale. It’s obviously not 100% in good faith. I don’t think he thinks Biden specifically promised to ensure federal officers would continue to attack peaceful protestors. I think he means that Biden said he would continue policies that guaranteed clashes between protestors and federal officers and that, and while not necessarily all protestors would be peaceful, some peaceful protestors would inevitably be attacked by federal officers as a consequence of Biden carrying out policy that he said he would. I can’t cite Biden saying something along those lines, but I don’t think PC is making that up.


Jesus enough with the me stifling criticism of Biden line. For the last time, I wouldnt have picked him. I don’t care who criticizes him. Before he ran for president I don’t think I spent 5 min lifetime thinking about him.

I care about STUPID criticism. The stupid is what I object to, not the Biden part. If critiques of Biden are good faith then I say bring it on. There is no limit!

My comment here wasn’t to stifle criticism of Biden. It was smartass for sure but aimed at how disingenuous it is to be posting about how he didn’t fix immigration on day one. Chad is a good poster but this was a terrible line simply because it was an awful reading of the room. What is the value of coming into a room on inauguration day, filled with the top 1% of politically savvy people, to say “hey guys why are you celebrating for a few hours. Don’t forget there are kids in cages” as if every single person on this site doesn’t know that. People were taking a tiny amount of time to be happy about the WOAT president being gone. Maybe read the room and wait a day for the obvious reminder. While Chad was 100% correct in terms of the content he completely misread the context which is why I made my admittedly snarky comment about having not fixed everything on day one.

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I deleted (before you just posted) because I was wrong.

Ok, we’re in one of those mutual deletion things.

Lol no worries.

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Most of the politically aware people I know IRL are on the spectrum of depressed to utterly indifferent that Biden got elected. The people saying they are inspired etc I have found are mostly virtue signallers.

Someone’s claiming to be inspired by Biden? LOOOOOLLOL

Or just kidding themselves. Nobody’s excited, straight-to-DVD-ass Presidency.


There was a lot of frantic angst within 24 hours of inauguration.

The calling it out was joking on micro, not you.

This reminds me of a pub brawl I saw once where two rival groups starting taking shots but by the end everyone was fair game to everyone else.

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Boomers and influencers. Truly headbanging stuff I see from uni chums etc every day.

I find it somewhat inspiring that America’s threadbare institutions survived the first overt attempt at direct unapologetic ethno fascism. Yay?


By the terminally incompetent. It might not be so lucky next time. Some pseudo tough guy like Pompeo running on the same platform of bigotry and bullshit as Trump is a major concern.

The downside to its survival is the illusion that deep structural changes aren’t necessary… and even then there’s the question of having 75 million people voting for more Trump.


I assume he’s spoken out against it right?

A lot of people don’t know that though. There were tons of earnest posts about how “Only Biden could have won this”, “Wow 17 Executive Orders!”, “I truly now think Biden is the best man for the job” and on and on and on.

I can only assume Chads was disgusted because I was also disgusted and have a lot less skin in the game than him. Posters like bobman and mattylice (and sometimes you) come into threads and white knight for Biden. It’s always that we need to be patient or realistic mixed with insults about how this is an echo chamber and we need to quit navel gazing. As someone who thinks Biden pretty much epitomizes everything wrong with our system and fills me with hopelessness about the future how would you like me to respond to that?

And I’m not here to bash you just to bash you. I like 95% of your posting. I just vehemently disagree with this thread and your criticism of people criticizing Biden.


He posted detailed information about protests taking place that is not in the media, and he linked them to an executive order Biden had issued earlier that day. If all you took from his posts was, “hey guys why are you celebrating for a few hours. Don’t forget there are kids in cages”, then it was a misreading.


I think they obviously do. That’s the real problem with them shouting anti-Biden posters down imo.

And look they aren’t bad people or posters either and I am not trying to go to war with any of you. I’m just telling you that just about every time I post some long winded critique of Biden, which has only been a few times, the same few people pop up with the same “Be patient” “Things take time” trope as if that changes anything about Biden’s actual positions that he says out loud. I’m tired of waiting for real change. I’ve been waiting my entire adult life and it doesn’t seem possible in the near term. Of course I am angry about that and see Biden as an obstacle.

The only issue with his posts is that there were like 50 of them practically in a row. Anybody doing that about anything is going to get some blowback.

But also, lol it’s his first day in office is a perfectly legit response to those posts.

The real tension on this site is not between the left and make believe centrists. It’s between incrementalists and absolutists. I’m very much the former and I think you are more of the latter. I find it very hard to understand how someone can look at the condition of the world today, compared to last Saturday, and not think we are way better off. There are millions of people today who have protections under the law they didn’t have last weekend and access to resources they didn’t have last weekend.

When I say this I suspect your first thought is “but what about m4a, kids in cages etc” and you are absolutely right about those things but they don’t mean we are not objectively better off today than last Saturday.

The tension is that when I say we are better off today too many people hear “everything is great” and when you say but what about “x” which is still awful too many people hear “everything is awful and there is no difference between today and last Saturday”. We can all do better.

This is the tension that will underly every argument on this site for the next 4 years.