Moving the Biden Administration left

Nobody was chastising him for the content. Literally nobody.

I don’t know how to make it any clear. The critique he got from many posters, including the mods, was not an attack on the content of posts. It just wasn’t. I don’t know what else to say. I’d be happy to bet that if we polled the UP membership 99% of posters would completely agree with the content, including me.

It was 100% the volume and context.

I did but don’t understand how it’s inconsistent. It seems perfectly consistent.

Context matters in messaging. It’s not sufficient to be right about a point you also have to read the audience and understand the best time and method to make your point.

Loudly giving a lecture on the history of American racism during a showing of Hamilton is the right message but wrong context.

It goes to the point I made earlier. Fault lies on both side. When Chad made his post some of use heard “shut up guys everything is still awful. You are idiots to be celebrating today” which is surely unfair. And when people posted “Biden didn’t fix immigration in one day” some people heard “now that Biden is here it’s a utopia”.

You say this over and over and over and I’m gonna keep telling you it’s between people who imagine they are doing some official spokesperson for the Democratic Party thing and people who think this is chatting on a forum.

Either that, or you just think everyone is obligated to love everything Biden does and not do blasphemy.


I’m not even replying to this it’s so insulting. No idea why you would post it. Ya I think everyone has to love everything Biden does.

Good faith posting micro.

Iow, shut up and show some gratitude.

That’s a fair point that a celebration thread might have made sense.

Anyway, as I said this is a tension that will continue and I think we can all do better at putting ourselves in the other persons shoes and not read every post about something good as an excuse for all the bad that is still happening and not read every post about something bad as a total eradication of anything good that has happened.

Cause and effect are mostly backwards here. Chads complained and most of this is a reaction to him.

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Yep I told people to shut up. More good faith posting.

Yeah I’m sure the cops had all this stuff under the previous administration but Trump was holding them back from using it. Then Biden walked in and immediately after being sworn in made a call out to Portland and said, “hey, new guy in charge here, and I’m not going to hold you guys back like the last guy. Unleash the hounds!”

No, he didn’t say he was about this. He specifically said on many occasions that he believes and supports the right to peacefully protest. Yes, he also says he supports law and order. Nobody that doesn’t believe in law and order is electable in this country. But that’s a lot different than the last guy who actually doesn’t believe in the right to peaceful protest and gets his rocks off with authoritarian power.

Now, do I believe that most likely the cops in Portland got aggressive with peaceful protestors. Yes, absolutely. We see it everywhere all the time. But of course they hide behind lies and the “brotherhood” and all that crap. And even if Biden personally ordered them to not use violence unless necessary to protect property and life, they would still do it. And then it takes time to sort through this stuff and enact change.

But if anybody thinks any President is going to order law enforcement not to use any force no matter what, well then you are being unrealistic. If you think any President is going to open the borders to anybody and everybody, you are being unrealistic. If you think this gives people the right to non peaceful protest without being met with force, you’re being unrealistic.

These issues have been decades in the making. They are going to take a long time to solve. But I’m happy the guy that was throwing gas on the flames is gone. I guess that makes me an asshole. So be it.

Please proceed.

It’s not fair to pretend Chad thinks Biden ordered the police to crack down in Portland. His point is it’s just the predicable continuation of a fucked up system. It doesn’t take Biden to order it, just to ignore it.

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This is complete bullshit.

But people obviously do not have to agree with every criticism either. Or in fact, may object if somebody makes like 30 posts in a row.

And again, I would say if anybody thinks that is going to change overnight, they are being unrealistic.

And making the point of new weapons and new more dangerous gas on Biden’s first day does sort of imply some causation.

I would like to see Biden make a public announcement that his Administration is not going to use excessive force against protestors. He hasn’t yet and likely won’t. That is a policy choice he is making and a pretty shitty one.

It is even teed up for him given the glaring differences on Jan 6.

I know everyone is not this stupid, but almost every time you give someone two options, they ignore one of them.

Anyway, you can certainly stomach or ignore criticism of Biden from someone like Riverman who also shits on radicals. You battle with people though. He doesn’t fight to the death because someone said “shitlib”.

I think it’s a fair characterization. Not bad faith.


Same thing about the two options.

I know marketing people know better than to even allow an option that you don’t want people to take.

And when the structure is of the form:

This is what’s happening, either that or the other thing.

It would usually be inferred that the author is suggesting the first part is more likely.

But still, I think people get mad about this blasphemy coming from people they think are judging them and/or are not loyal to the party.

Point to a post where I tell someone to shut up or fuck off with the bad faith trolling. Jesus. I’m actually going to use the hide feature for the time in months this is so disingenuous.