Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Agree with AO about Prometheus, yeah the characters are idiots but the movie looks cool and I just enjoy watching it.

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Better legasequel: BR 2049 or Max Max Fury Road?

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Fury Road is way overrated IMO.

Also I can’t believe you guys like Prometheus. I guess maybe I don’t value visuals as much but the characters being such idiots was a deal breaker for me and just took me right out of the movie.


I will go way the other way.

Fury Road should have won best picture and is now easily remembered as the best film of that year.

I quite like the martian (first movie I saw with my now wife), the big short and the revenant but fury Road is clear.

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Fury Road is about five levels worse than Bridge of Spies, and Bridge of Spies doesn’t crack the top three in that year’s field.

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Have not seen madness that sheer since I went rock climbing.

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I used to think it was kind of weird how much Tarantino likes feet. Then I found out how much LKJ likes Coen bros movies directed by Spielberg.

The Officer and a Gentleman Rewatchables is the hardest I’ve laughed in a while.

I guess I don’t know what about Bridge of Spies was Coeny, but it’s been a little bit. Mostly I just remember Mark Rylance trotting out, “Would it help?” several times. And on that one line alone, I did love him. After all, a person sets themselves apart in this life by underreacting to things and then smugly looking sideways at the overreactors. But overall I thought it was a good movie that I didn’t remember too well. Again I didn’t think it made the top three of the BP category that year, but it did feel like a worthy inclusion in the category.

I do remember Fury Road a lot better. Or, more specifically, I remember vividly the feeling of watching it. I remember going in with the knowledge that it had gotten rave reviews, so naturally I expected something good. Instead, I got the goddamn slog of a lifetime, and I sat there struggling over whether I could simply turn it off, because it clearly wasn’t going to get better, and that this nonsense that I was ingesting was the very same thing that people were slathering with praise. I’m pretty sure I ended up sticking it through to the end due to my masochistic need to follow my own rules that allow me to say that I watched a movie and to outwardly opine on it.

So anyway, I would like to extend a thank you to the general public for spreading this myth that Fury Road was a great movie. Nathan Fielder himself couldn’t prank me that convincingly.


Have you done the Thief Rewatchables yet? Highest recommendation if not.

I watched Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One the other night. I found it mostly enjoyable.

The Grace character played by Hayley Atwell was super annoying though. The smug thief foil who is great at everything when convenient but also gets caught a lot when convenient (but for reasons the bad guys never kill her when they catch her) just left me hating the character. Her character arc also felt unearned. I feel the movie would be better without her and wished they had Ilsa doing most of what she needed to do.

They’ll probably have some twist lined up for the Grace character in part 2 but I don’t care because I hate her.

I didn’t feel that way about Grace, but I’m so thoroughly in love with Hayley Atwell that I may not be able to muster objectivity. I did think the relationship between Atwell and Cruise was poorly written to the point of absurdity, but it didn’t take me out of the movie too badly. I have fairly low expectations for everything but the action scenes in M:I, but those are so spectacular that they carry most (but not all) of the movies really effectively.

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No but I have it on my list.

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Really good movie and an all-timer of a Rewatchables to pair with it. Confident you’ll enjoy.

I haven’t gotten to the Officer and a Gentleman episode yet because it’s been 15+ years since I’ve seen that movie (I did like it) and it feels like I need to rewatch it first.

Mission Impossible is supposed to be absurd at nearly all times, thats half the fun imo.

Its just the best version of a Fast and the furious, big action movie.
Both it and Fury Road have people doing real stunts on location! Its not all filmed in some warehouse.

The CGI/stunts on the last fast and the furious and many marvel movies were quite bad and the difference is huge imo.

Absolutely you have to rewatch it first. I think I hadn’t seen it since I was a teenager. Totally blanked out all the stuff with this Dad.