Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I fixed this glitch.

I thought it was delightful. Definitely one of my favorite musicals now that I’ve finally gotten around to it.

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I’m sure I watched The Sound of Music numerous times growing up, since it was one of my mother’s favorite movies.

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Blue Beatle dropped on Max. Definitely in the mood to see how hard this slaps after hearing it is as fun as Ms Marvel.

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How to DOCUMENTARY with Award-Winning Director Julie Cohen

Twas round the clock Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, and Fiddler on the Roof for me

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The latest episode of The Big Picture is selecting a Ridley Scott Hall of Fame. The result is an episode that largely clarifies to me that Ridley Scott is someone with some extremely high highs and a surprisingly large number of full-on misses for someone with as big of a name as he has.

Alien was incredible, Gladiator was excellent, The Martian was great, and then…whatever. I realize I’m in the minority who didn’t really care about the original Blade Runner.

Forgot this was Ridley Scott until its name came up during this podcast. Knowing Sean Fennessey’s propensity for unleashing takes that I think are completely crazy, I was going to hold my breath, but I could barely complete a thought before all three hosts frantically raced to be the first to bury the shit out of this movie. Absolutely an all-time stinker.

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Can’t disagree with the first part. Some really big misses.

My list for his home runs tho is a bit longer than yours. I don’t disagree on Blade Runner, and I also don’t really like Legend, tho I bow to Tim Curry’s majesty in all forms.

I would add Thelma and Louise, Matchstick Men, American Gangster, The Counselor (script by Cormac McCarthy), and All the Money in the World.

He’s got quite a few besides the big ones that i liked/loved. Hannibal, Black Hawk Down, American Gangster, Prometheus (yeah yeah sue me), The Counselor

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I wanted to add Hannibal. I think I like it more than Silence ducks.

I admit I have yet to see Thelma and Louise, and hopefully that one connects hard for me when I do. American Gangster is certainly at least pretty good, but probably another example where my expectations ran away and reality didn’t match.

I wanted badly to love Hannibal and just didn’t. And my fairly lukewarm opinion wasn’t helped when I found out that it took a much more timid approach to its ending than the novel did. I haven’t read the novel (despite reading Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs), but just to read the summary of the ending, it sure is a lot more daring than what Ridley landed on. People can get their own spoilers here: Hannibal (Harris novel) - Wikipedia

If I never post again, the most likely explanation is that I had a stroke because of this take. Silence of the Lambs is an all-timer.

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I’m not going to take this slander from someone whose never seen Thelma and Louise.

Thats… um… that is a… hmmm.


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Ive seen Thelma and Louise, and im not sure I have met a single person with a Hannibal>>> Silence take

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George Bush Shoe GIFs | Tenor


Watching Officer and a Gentleman, because Rewatchables. As soon as I saw David Caruso, I knew why Bill Simmons picked it. He LOVES Caruso.

Red Dragon > Hannibal

Do you see?


I think the original Blade Runner is meh but the sequel is a masterpiece.

2049? That’s good to know, I’ve wondered whether I should bother with it since I’m a negative outlier on the original.

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Ya. Its amazing.