Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I dont know, I just remember fighting a bunch of snakes and spiders

I mean it definitely felt like he was taking commands from a military officer and fighting some sort of foreign enemy? Just very different from this original movie that spawned the franchise. It took me a while to accept that this movie was never going to transition into that, but it was surely better for it.

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First Blood is the only one that isn’t an action movie. Really good flick

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Yeah, First Blood is very different than the rest.

Wikipedia says the game was based on First Blood part 2,Blood%20Part%20II%20(1985).,Blood%20Part%20II%20(1985).

I also seemingly never made it to the end of the game

“The ending sequence allows the player to throw a giant kanji character (怒, Ikari:Anger) towards Murdock after returning to the base, which inexplicably turns Murdock into a frog.[4][5]”


That sounds more like Hot Shots than Rambo

Among other things, one of my barriers to even wanting to try the sequels is that Stallone brings none of Schwarzenegger’s humor to the table. Commando and Predator are great fun because they’re hilarious. If they weren’t funny then I would almost certainly hate them. And I fear that First Blood Part II and beyond could just be Arnold minus the absolutely crucial humor element.

To be clear: I also feel that Stallone is effectively sincere in a way that Arnold never manages to bring across in his movies. They just have very different strengths.

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Predator is a master class in pacing and suspense. A great film if you skip the first 10 minutes.

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Thank the martial arts master of ballet that they went a different direction when Jean-Claude Van Damme’s version didn’t pass the smell test.

When Jean-Claude Van Damme was brought in to play the Predator in 1987, he was still a virtual unknown. The only thing of note that he appeared in was as a Russian heavy in the 1986 martial arts film No Retreat, No Surrender and that’s not saying much. But what he had was what casting director Jackie Burch said they were looking for.

when it came time to actually wear the Predator costume, it was worse than he imagined. JVCD recalls that his feet were located in the costume’s calves, so he was standing on stilts. His head was in the Predator’s neck, so his face was covered, and he couldn’t see. On top of all this, filming was taking place in the jungle, where temperatures reached 100 degrees. Not good in a rubber suit.

Stan Winston redesigned the suit and actor Kevin Peter Hall, all seven-foot-three-inches of him filled the new costume.

I still can’t believe the Rewatchables guys couldn’t figure out that the Predator was on a trophy hunting expedition. They kept asking what his end game was.


This has happened on several episodes I’ve noticed where Simmons in particular seems to miss fairly obvious things. It’s distracting at times

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Bill’s policy of not announcing the movie up front most of the time is so odd. If I knew what was coming and it was something I’m willing to watch, I’d probably watch more of them up front and consequently listen to more episodes. As is, if the new ep pops up and I haven’t seen the movie, I generally just swipe it out of my feed.


Lol if you’re not trying to dominate or exterminate all of humanity, can you even call it a motivation?

Dang they don’t even say what’s next at the end of the episode? I understand shows like Filmcast that wait until the end so more people stream a full playback, but that’s weird to leave it all a mystery until it happens. Gotta think there’s some numbers behind the strategy for next episode bump and retention, but the Predator comment suggests maybe not :flushed:

Once in a while they do. Most of the time they don’t. Big Picture posts its whole monthly schedule at the start of the month, but Rewatchables is a mystery box most weeks. Seems like just a Bill Simmons preference.

I do occasionally pick up hints by following Sean Fennessey and Chris Ryan on Letterboxd - when Fennessey logged So I Married an Axe Murderer recently I was confident it was a Rewatchables tipoff - but most weeks I have no idea what’s hitting my feed on Monday night. Generally I just see that there’s a new ep and then clicking in to see the name is like playing a scratch ticket and finding out if I really get an episode to listen to.

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Rewatched Scream because it was such a huge movie during my childhood. Still amazing.


I was 16 when Scream came out. I had spent my few teenage years leading up to that release catching up on and becoming obsessed with 80s slasher and horror films. Scream blew my mind. I felt it was made for me at that exact time in my life.

There’s a shot early on when Sydney gets home from school that establishes how she is sort of isolated and makes you feel like she is alone and nobody could be around to hear her that is really effective.


Shigeru Miyamoto is about to make a billion dollars

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Fuck Miyamoto, Arad has another Spiderverse movie, Borderlands, and now this in the pipe.

Also, holy shit. It had better be the mirror opposite of the Mario movie

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Spider-verse was good despite Arad, not because of him

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