Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I’m on a John Carpenter kick, In the Mouth of Madness took a while to get cooking but definitely ends on a high note. Honestly Sam Neil is just great fun to watch whatever movie he’s in. Was not prepared at all for how righteous the intro theme is.

Decided I’ll watch Halloween III for the first time ever this Halloween. Expecting great things.


As in Season of the Witch? I LOVE that movie. It’s gained a lot of appreciation over the years but it used to be a fun little secret. Tom Atkins is the man.

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For those of you that do Vudu, they have a ton of horror movies on sale for $5 this weekend. I picked up Halloween III, The Thing, and Return Of The Living Dead so far

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Killer animatronic movie… Not half bad. There’s a lot of slow shit, there’s a lot of nonsensical idiocy. Its not a GOOD movie, but its actually very competently made. I think a lot of the problems come from two main issues.

  1. Its tough to say this should have been R rated, seeing as a lot of the fanbase is younger. However, making it R rated would have likely made the movie better and given some options for additional scary stuff that just wasn’t there.
  2. This movie should likely have been written by a screenwriter, and not a guy that makes mostly poor video games for a living and writer of a couple movies I’ve never heard of before. I know that there were years of development hell on this, and I think a lot of that comes from the creators insistence that he write the movie, when this would have been better off in the hands of an actual writer. Some of the decisions made by the characters were non-sensical, backwards, and done without explanation.
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Halloween III is by far my second favorite movie of the series. Its so weird and fun.

It also has one of cinema’s all time greatest songs.


Lol i can hear it now. 3 more days til Halloween…

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I find it hard to believe it can top the Mouth of Madness theme, but I guess I’ll find out.


Managed to block off the time for KOTFM today. It was very very good.

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Body Bags is a fun horror anthology film with segments directed by John Carpenter and Tobe Hooper I recommend if you’re looking for something a little lighter for the season. Carpenter also plays a goofy roll. Streaming a bunch of places. Check it out

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Took my son and his friends to see FNaF last night. This review is largely correct. I’d say it’s good movie, though. I enjoyed it. Just could have been better. Most important, my son and his buddies, who are huge fans of the games, LOVED it. I have played the games a few times, but mostly just know them through the hours of tales my son has told me over the years. The boys were so hyped afterward.

An R rating would have made it much better. It wasn’t really scary…more like creepy. And there’s really not much blood. But when the fanbase is kids, you can’t really make it too gory or frightening.

And it was slow for the first half. Not bad, just slow. But there came a point in the middle, though, where something happened and it got much more interesting.

But yeah, it was enjoyable. There were a few cameos/Easter eggs that FNaF fans would know - I knew one of them. I could actually see this blowing up and becoming a huge franchise beyond the games’ fanbase. The animatronics were fantastic and creepy - there’s something really appealing about them from a horror film standpoint. They’ve certainly set it up to have sequels.

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If I had to guess I’d say the one in the diner, though the one in the cab might also be correct.

Word on the street is Markiplier was meant to be the opening scene kill, but hes making a movie of his own and they couldnt get schedules coordinated.

It was the cab. And you are correct on the spoiler.

I was the opposite. Never seen cab guy but have seen a lot of the Diner guy

The Devil Wears Prada

I hated this movie with the raging intensity of a thousand burning suns. It’s filled will genuinely awful people being awful from start to end. It’s a moral nightmare equivalent to the Saw films.

How the fuck is this considered a comedy or something any woman would ever want to watch? There is higher quality feminism in In the Company of Men.

For sure one of the least enjoyable films I have ever seen.

Grade: F-

A small group of people become trapped in a hospital by a gathering of hooded cultists.

This was a real pleasure, and I mean that in the most horrifying sense.

Wonderful practical effects and a disturbing but simple plot make this feature play like a lovechild of The Thing and Hellraiser.

I made it halfway through the trailer before I was creeped out enough to trust the movie to deliver.

Free to stream most places like Tubi.

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Glad you checked it out.

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This sounds like something that happens in lots of high-quality movies and TV.

(I liked that movie, but not so much that I can’t appreciate a well-delivered roast of it.)

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Hey thanks. I forgot if it was you who suggested it. Feels like this is a classic I waited too long to give a chance.

I watched The Kid since this post, and thought it was fine but nothing special. But last night I watched The Gold Rush, and holy shit that’s another great one. I’ll be surprised if anything supplants Modern Times as my favorite Chaplin since this one still didn’t, but it was excellent all the same. The climactic scene in the cabin at the edge of the mountain is a classic that I’m surprised I hadn’t ever encountered in clips or even heard of before.

I do think the love story in this one was very flawed, but that wasn’t enough to counter all that the rest of the movie had going for it. I’m so glad to have begun taking the time to get to know the Chaplin catalog.

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Anything else competitive with this for the one scary movie per year I get to watch with MrsWookie tomorrow night?

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