Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

He throws his entire life away to save them. He also says many times that he really loves his family in multiple context in the film and at the end when testifyingwonā€™t say he didnā€™t love them.

Hes a very simple man though. Probably the dumbest protagonist ive seen in a while.

He also lies abouf Hale giving him the idea to pursue her

my buddy has been texting me all day how oppenheimer is a far better movie with better acting and directing :hushed:

I was more effusive about Oppenheimer than Flower Moon as I left the theater in each instance (was highly positive about both), but I do think Flower Moon has tentatively surpassed it as Iā€™ve digested it. Iā€™m firmly in the camp where either one could crush Oscar night and Iā€™d be good with it.

Of course, the Academy may just shrug and give all the awards to Nomadland II or whatever.

Sadly I think Scorsese is drawing dead for best picture. Itā€™s too grim.

I think as of right now Iā€™d say KOTFM is better than Oppenheimer but the scene in Oppenheimer with the crowd is the best scene in either film.

Ya that was an awesome scene. The bomb scene is amazing too.

There are actually no set piece scenes in Killers really. I did gasp at the scene when the mother gets taken into the afterlife. Also maybe the burning scene. .

You may be right. On the latest episode of The Big Picture, Sean Fennessey commented that the last movie even close to that dark to win the big award was No Country for Old Men, and its biggest competition was equally dark (There Will Be Blood).

I am hopeful that Scorsese is live for Best Director and that Lily Gladstone is live in whatever acting category she lands in.

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Gladstone seems like a lock. She was outstanding. If Scorsese isnā€™t at least nominated for director I donā€™t know what to say. Itā€™s basically him taking out his huge directors cock, slapping it on the table and saying ā€œya, I have the biggest one. Donā€™t even try to match me!ā€ :grin:

Yeah, the spoilered scene is probably the best singular moment in the film.

Oppenheimer vs KOTFM is very No country vs TWBB


Was leaving the grocery store yesterday and was wearing the classic dad gear: jeans, graphic tee, unbuttoned long sleeve shirt with the sleeves partially rolled up. The t-shirt was Robocop.

Cart wrangler spots me on the way out and says, ā€œI see you like Robocop! Do you like Dune?ā€

What does one have to do with the other? Yes, I also like other movies.

I told him I havenā€™t seen it, but probably should before the second one comes out. He starting chatting my ear off about Dune because heā€™s a Dune fanatic and has all sort of memorabilia. He was very nice, the whole thing was just weird.


Itā€™s very possible that he took your shirt as a sign that, like him, youā€™re also a loyal movie fanboy. You might have temporarily restored his faith in humanity.


Thatā€™s all you had to say. What a gorgeous comparison. You couldnā€™t have made a better ad to convince me to watch Oppie and KoTFM.

Iā€™d say the Venn diagram for sci-fi nerds who like RoboCop probably has a sizeable overlap with sci-fi nerds who like Dune.


World War Z rewatch on Pluto (with ads) means I started it at 4pm and ended at 8pm lol

In hindsight this is a superior zombie movie. The pacing is breakneck almost from the opening shot. Some stuff in there with the wall around Israel that might not play well at the moment. And the ending will always feel kinda abrupt to me. I was a huge fan of the book and audiobook.

Hilarious to see shots of Matthew Fox for micro seconds. He had an entire subplot before disastrous test screenings that led them to reshoot the entire third act removing every bit of Foxā€™s presence in the movie.

The stuff about the spread of the virus and the insta panic felt oddly cathartic for pandemic stuff.

By the way, Jason Isbell does a solid job in a supporting role in Killers of the Flower Moon. Heā€™s not an actor. Heā€™s a country singer with a left-wing bent (somewhat rare for the genre) who trolls the Jason Aldeans of the world on Twitter. This, of course, limits his potential within his genre, but he doesnā€™t have the most mainstream radio sound anyway. He does fine for himself in music, but he isnā€™t huge.

I had to do a double-take and search my brain for who this definitely familiar face was because he was operating in some separate world from where heā€™s properly categorized in my brain. He plays Bill, brother-in-law to Ernest and Molly. He slips right into the acting thing and you wouldnā€™t know that heā€™s a total greenhorn to acting in movies.

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Lol he apparently was on the receiving end of the infamous ā€œ30-50 feral hogsā€ twitter post ? Wish iā€™d known this before watching, would have appreciated his character even more

There are a lot of great side characters / actors in this movie. I wonā€™t be forgetting the tall guy who asks his lawyer if he can adopt his dead wifeā€™s children before murdering them any time soon.



That is awesome.

Watched Michael Mannā€™s Thief (1981), starring James Caan. Very enjoyable movie that frankly puts the Norton/De Niro movie The Score to shame. (The Score is fine, but was just disappointing to me since it was during peak Ed Norton before he had alienated every director in Hollywood, and I had higher hopes for a Norton/De Niro collab.) Caan is pitch-perfect for this part.

Bonus points for inspiring one of the funniest Rewatchables episodes Iā€™ve listened to.