Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

We all have gaps Chuck.

If you’re talking about where it’s made, Letterboxd does have a feature where you can search by country and then can use genre filters (and other filters) from there.

‎Browse Films • Letterboxd

Back on my arthouse horror bullshit, very impressed with Onibaba, a grim 1964 Japanese movie that feels like an old-school gothic suspense tale. Looks incredible, the way it’s shot and lit seized my attention for almost the whole runtime.

Also, Videodrome holds up very well, really one of the all-time great sci-fi movies.



Quite the list, but I’m never watching a dubbed movie. Just can’t bring myself to do it.



Tom Everett Scott turning up at the end of La La Land is one of the stranger cameos I can remember. Dude parlayed That Thing You Do into absolutely nothing; 20 years later it felt like he was basically turning up to provide proof of life.

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I totally forgot that after That Thing You Do, his next movie paired him with Julie Delpy in what was unfortunately a huge stinker.


That movie, however, gave us one of the best Bush songs of all time (that wasn’t on Sixteen Stone).

I forgot about that; now that you show me the poster, I vaguely remember it existing. I had thought his next movie was with Zack Morris and 100% flopped, after which it just felt like we never saw him again. Definitely forgot he existed until the end of La La Land. The TTYD alumni network was not a very successful one. I remember seeing the dude who played Jimmy showing up on a failed Jennifer Love Hewitt TV show (I think it was a Party of Five spinoff) and then nothing else. The bass player, Ethan whoever, got Can’t Hardly Wait, and then I can’t remember much else. Steve Zahn has had a successful supporting actor career. Liv Tyler is the biggest of them (not counting Tom Hanks), but it feels like she already had upward momentum and that it wasn’t mostly to do with that movie.

I was very fond of That Thing You Do.

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He was on a few episodes of Law and Order. It was weird thinking, “Wow, that goofy drummer is now the Governor of New York.”

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Don’t forget that Giovanni Ribisi was also in it.

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Poor bastard really did lose everything when he broke his arm. He even fell out of my memory. But yeah, good reminder, he was in it and his career didn’t insta-collapse.

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Lol, I was just thinking about Mouth the other day. Excellent song.

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My wife is a total pride and prejudice junkie, and will often just have it on while doing paperwork or whatever on the couch

One of my kids just plopped down on the couch one night while this was happening, which led to basically non-stop MST3K style commentary (my theory here is that kids have never lived in a world where you couldn’t rewind everything so they have no hesitation about talking over anything).

“This chick is 15 and married??? Kinda cringe.”

(Re: Mr Darcy) “this guy is a simp”

“are you FOND”??? “May I PERSUADE you”??? Who talks like this

Me: English people

Jr: no wonder they get bullied online

Needless to say, my wife did not enjoy this.


Dead Man on Campus though…but yeah that’s all I’ve got

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Darcy really is a simp, tho. Kid nailed that one.

young wabsgans

that’s all i needed

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