Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Heh I am feeling curious about his Bond movies after reading that he was a huge fan of the novels, and so he was kind of a proto Daniel Craig. The only movie I really recognize Dalton from is as Neville Sinclair in The Rocketeer.

Kind of fun to read that Pierce Brosnan was supposed to be Bond before Dalton, but the producers renewed Remington Steele so as to withdraw Brosnan from consideration. Dalton was scheduled to appear as Bond in Goldeneye, but he eventually left the role anyway, leaving Brosnan to take over for what at the time was considered a (now laughable) return to realism.


Omfg I’m dying lololololol

That reminds me of the time I got in trouble for showing The Princess Bride to a bunch of kids at church, because a character says “son of a bitch” in one scene.

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I remember clutching my pearls when I saw Angus (1995) and the character said fuck even tho the movie was rated PG-13. Apparently you can get away with saying it EXACTLY once as long as it has no sexual context.

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Lololol well there you go.

I will always remember the line “Terrific picture! And you know what else? It was good.”

Not because I saw the movie.

Not because I read the book it was based on.

But because William Goldman uses that dialogue as his ideal example of perfectly written dialogue in one of his screenwriting books.

Tho I can’t recall if it was in Adventures of the Screen Trade or Which Lie Did I Tell?

Anyway, nice to finally pay attention to what came AFTER that line.

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Was curious and watched this. Tbh i wasn’t entirely into it (might be that i could only find it in very low quality stream), but that final twist got me good lol

I thought that even more interesting than the silent aspect was the idea of a enemy who is much smaller but more advanced (has this been done elsewhere ?) as you would more typically expect the human be in this position. Then the reveal that its in fact the latter, wasnt expecting that…cool idea

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Would watch in its entirety.

Until then…

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strange Q: anyone know a good horror movie from Africa and/or Australia? I have seen Saloum already.

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Takes place in or made in?

If the former, Wolf Creek?

Well actually I guess it took place and was made in, but had a mostly american cast

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Watched School Ties for the first time. May have some thoughts tomorrow. Then watching Rounders to get the taste of evil Matt Damon out of my mouth.

Matt Damon’s busto to Teddy in the Rounders opening is pretty ridiculous. I mean the “act scared and then shove” is like the worst amateur move ever, and then he doesn’t even do it with the nuts, to a good player who’s turbo-folding a flush in that spot. Thinnest value shove ever, as in negative thickness.

The best pick you could make is the 1970s movie Picnic At Hanging Rock. It is a classic and imo essential viewing for cinephiles.

The Invisible Man (2020) might be set in Australia? I’m not sure, but it’s by Leigh Whannell and is a nearly perfect movie.

Will think of some more. Australia and New Zealand are the best at horror movies these days imo.


I liked it for sure. But they sure bungled the hell out of that spot where the daughter wholeheartedly believes that Elisabeth Moss hit her. I mean, I realize the filmmaker can fall back on the explanation that it’s even less believable to her that a ghost hit her, but I don’t really get why that spot had to look so incredibly bad.


That’s a good call. I also think some of the logistics of the ending don’t quite add up once I’m in nitpicking mode, but yeah. A great movie. The opening is stunning in its simplicity.

Side note: this was the last movie I saw in theaters before the pandemic hit

If you want to learn about horror movies that may have flown under your radar, you should check out this YouTube channel

He’s covered several things from Australia (e.g., Lake Mungo)


I hadn’t seen it since childhood, but holy shit Airplane holds up incredibly well over 40 years later. Way more laughs per hour than the other classic comedies of the era.


Please Speak Continuously and Describe Your Experiences as They Come to You: if you’re in the mood for an arthouse bullshit short horror film, this is okay. I’ve been on the Brandon Cronenberg hype train for a long time now. Works great as an appetizer before watching Videodrome or whatever.

Just saw Memento for the first time. Great movie. Still trying to unravel it all.

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