Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

10 of the top 25 for me

5. 12 Angry Men
6. Schindlers List
7. Lord of the Rings: ROTK
9. Lord of the Rings: FOTR
13. Lord of the Rings: TT
18. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
20. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
21. It's a Wonderful Life
22. Seven Samurai
23. Interstellar

bad rating movie I enjoy I thought would be this one but the 13% is higher than i expected. back in college I watched this so much that a buddy and I could recite the entire movie pretty much word for word

20- Spiderverse (comic book, pass)
21. Itā€™s a wonderful life (looks too cheery, pass)
27. Life is beautiful
44. Oppenheimer (probably 1st on my list, waiting for reasonable ā€œrentā€ price)
47. Casablanca (kind of feel obligated to see this)
48. The intouchables (hadnā€™t heard of this but ā€œBuddy comedyā€ probably pass)
49. Modern Times (too old)
50. Cinema Paradiso (donā€™t really like movies about movies)
54. City Lights (again, no)
60. The lives of Others (vaguely heard about this, but looks good, will watch)

Criminally underrated.

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No idea whether you would like it, but I feel pretty confident in saying that ā€œtoo cheeryā€ would not be your complaint if you watched it and didnā€™t like it.


Whiplash is incredible. Make an exception for this one. It is like Tar, but from the POV of a male student. Not at all like his latest work, which I have no interest in either

Would also recommend the earlier Chazelle horror movie with Elijah Wood called Grand Piano.

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Itā€™s a lot darker than you think actually. It ends cheery, but a lot of the movie is pretty bleak.

Seconding this (the first part, never seen Grand Piano.) Its a movie well worth most peopleā€™s time

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I saw the trailer for Whiplash and decided I didnā€™t want to see the Aryan rapist from Oz yelling at some kid for an entire movie.

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Whiplash is really good. I just saw it for the first time within the past year or so. My son plays percussion in school and it inspired him to start doing more on his own, rather than just going to band class every day. Heā€™s actually tried to learn a couple ridiculously hard songs from the movie.

Also, Jurstin Hurwitz, the composer on Whiplash, went to my high school (heā€™s much younger than me by about a decade). He won Oscars and Golden Globes for La La Land.

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@nunnehi a sneak preview of my Flash screed.

The entire opening is fucking ludicrous. Let me just ask a few questions about the first ten minutes.

Are we supposed to like Barry Allen? Is he supposed to be someome we root for? The conversation with the barista I am sure is supposed to impart humor, but all it really does is make me think Barry is a dick. Why are you abbreviating everything? This isnt the regular person you deal with so what makes you think that heā€™s supposed to know what the fuck youā€™re talking about? And why are you getting indignant when he doesnt?

Why does The Flash have to do his shitty pose before running? We see him go into the bathroom and then he flashes out to the street so he can do his pose and start running again? Why? We saw his blur go from the bathroom to the street. Why the fuck did he stop just to have another ā€œjokeā€ about people recognizing him? Why not just keep running from the bathroom to Gotham?

And the goddamn hospital collapse, holy shit. There have been so many people breaking down this scene online that it feels pointless to me to do so, but a movie with a $300 million dollar budget rocking sub Lawnmower Man FX can fuck all the way off. When Iā€™m looking around for Jobe fucking Smith in your shitty scene filled with monster CGI babies, you have failed as a film.

Youre missing out

I didnā€™t see it because I didnā€™t want to see the insurance guy yelling at kids for a whole movieā€¦

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Im pretty sure the school is supposed to be a college and not a high school.

At my age, that doesnā€™t change the sentence at allā€¦ :)

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Co-signing those who are telling the holdouts to watch Whiplash. Itā€™s great.

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Whiplash is greatā€¦ and so is La La Land.


Gotta respect the range.


Every time those insurance commercials come on I see the rapist from Oz. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID

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And the he trapped his loving assistantā€™s brain in a potato. What an asshole

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