Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Cheers, enjoyed watching that. I never watched past the third so it’s always nice to be reminded that I didn’t miss much. First one is just a perfect blend of comedy, drama and action. Timeless feel good movie.

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The first one is torture porn and a lot more. It’s excellent. The ending in particular is one of those things we will be talking about for many years to come when talking about horror.

The rest of them are torture porn and sometimes a little more. The twists and puzzles are fun, but you really gotta be into the graphic violence and bizarre logic of the killer.


Idk if the franchise really has legs for a comeback, but if it does, you have to look at this as the proof of profit for the next one. It’s like with Spider-Man, people had to be shown the next one wasn’t going to be as bad as AMS2 before the numbers were there.

But again, the Saw killer doesn’t exactly have the zeitgeist appeal of Spider-Man, so idk if greenlighting a sequel would make the same difference. People aren’t waiting for a great Saw movie the same way they’re waiting for a good Spider-Man movie. Still, since it’s not my money, I’ll cross my fingers they greenlight a sequel of equal quality.

Bigger Box Office
  • Beyonce Concert Film
  • Taylor Swift Concert Film
0 voters

I watch a decent amount of horror and haven’t seen a Saw movie since number 2 or 3. They’re really on movie 10? Jesus


Just going by my local AMC theaters, it doesn’t look like the Beyonce concert feature is getting nearly as many screenings. With Taylor Swift it looks like she’s swooping in and just playing constantly on most of the theater’s screens when the concert feature first hits.

The trailer is very tempting, but holy shit I’m not watching this LMAO

I look at the reviews regardless because sometimes the reason critics didn’t like a movie is the reason it’s exactly to my tastes.

Let’s check out a couple of reviews!

Seem to remember someone ITT giving it a shot?

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Looks like I’m finally going to have to get around to They Live. Been on the to-do list for a while.

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I’m not yet halfway done, but this movie is awesome.



Stop Making Sense is in the big screen theaters. I highly recommend seeing it if you like the Talking Heads at all. Just a great concert film. High energy, feels like a party. David Byrne is very kinetic. Plus the Big Suit!

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Not a big fan, but loved it anyways. No wonder the dude is skinny as hell

Not sure I can trust anything James Gunn ever says again.

The Flash is, without hyperbole, one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.

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You’re gonna need to give a lot of support for that, or all the movies you watch are way too good

YMS covers it pretty well

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Had to stop last night and finish tonight; done now. Legitimately great movie that well exceeded my expectations. Honestly feels like it lands even better as a first watch in 2023 than it would have earlier in life, so unlike with some movies I won’t scold myself for failing to get to this until now.

It was definitely a recurring thought to me during a movie about the working class being crushed that Roddy Piper himself went on to just be a casualty of one of the cruelest industries out there, being another sad ex-wrestler who could never really enjoy a proper retirement and who kicked the bucket way too young.

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But why can’t we have your unadulterated take that isn’t influenced by others? To say ‘without hyperbole, one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen’ is a bold claim and I want to know why you think that without outside influence. Also, give some cliffs on the video at the very least.

I cant follow you guys convo. What is the movie called?

They Live.

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I will. My post will likely be a screed so doing it from my phone is unlikely. Ill post something soon