Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I’ve got no idea either.

Civil War is on max so you should watch it if you haven’t watched it yet, because it’s what’s gonna happen. the movie promises that this is what will happen in america within the next 10 years, and nate silver says there’s like a 61% chance of this exact scenario playing out exactly as depicted in this film, so strap in and enjoy. you’ll like it. it’s what we’re all thinking all the time, and i think you’ll enjoy seeing what is definitely going to happen. 5 bags of popcorn



I bailed on extended cut fall guy with about thirty minutes left. It wasn’t bad but I was just done peaking into that world.


Did you like the part where he made some seemingly meta joke about the movie within the movie “getting bogged down in exposition” as the movie you were watching was getting bogged down in exposition? And then stayed stuck there for 20-30 more minutes, I guess just to really bring the joke home?


Get Shorty (1995)

With this pretty loaded cast, a solid premise, and a good reputation behind the movie, I was expecting to enjoy this more.

I like it as a follow-up to Pulp Fiction for John Travolta, and honestly Travolta is a bright spot in this movie. He’s one of the things that works. Delroy Lindo is another. But as a pure comedy it felt like the laughs were too few and far between, and as a story the plot was tough to care too much about. Probably not bothering with this one again.






Look: I’m the victim here. I’m the one who sat and watched a comedy and only laughed a handful of times. They were high-quality laughs when they happened, I give it that, but there just wasn’t enough. Or do people actually find that plot engaging?

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That movie is an absolute classic. It’s another one that was so out front in humor that it plays different today. It’s one of my all time favorite movies, too. Now its sequel, Be Cool, yeah it’s about how you described this one.

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Just terrible. A shame too since the book has a couple of great scenes.

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Rebel ridge

Thought this was mostly ok, was well done and had some good moments, but didn’t quite manage to keep the tension crescendo for the whole movie (although i watched this in not ideal conditions with a baby interrupting frequently, which didn’t help)

And also sadly the plot has a big problem :

Feels like an understatement…

I guess going “not all cops” is how you get Netflix to fund your movie but wow yeah that ending was terrible. Really need to forget these last minutes if I want to to not hate the movie.

Anyway, ive mentioned these movies here before, but if you liked “green room” and want to see more feelbad thrillers (which this new one isn’t really), you might like the S Craig Zahler movies “brawl on cell block 9” and “dragged across concrete” (both also have Don Johnson,
fair warning that these are very dark movies).

Well also,

The David Denman face turn in particular is stupid. We open on him doing the chief’s dirty work. Also, the reveal is painfully punctuated by Aaron Pierre saying, “Serpico.” Dude, that guy is not Serpico. That comparison just plainly fails. Serpico, at least in the movie, was ridiculously incorruptible to a degree that threatened his own life. This guy just basically found some eventual line that he wouldn’t cross during the course of his police work. It’s probably just never a great idea to explicitly trade on a fairly iconic movie like that, but if you’re going to do it then the comparison at least needs to work.

I think “Serpico” is just the nickname they had agreed on with the girl to discuss her police source, don’t think it’s really meant to say that this is a similar character (it’s a movie I still haven’t seen so can’t comment more…)
But yeah it makes zero sense that it would be this guy given the opening scene, pretty dumb reveal…although the cops going escort mode at the end is even dumber imo

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Ah okay, I may have missed something there. Yeah I took a chance assuming you’d seen that movie. My mistake. But also yours. Watch that one.

I agree that objectively the escort thing was worse, but honestly the turn by Denman had taken me out of it to an extent that I was ready to be done, so it didn’t irritate me in the way it might have if I was still invested at that point.

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Red Rooms: Saw this in theater last night, French Canadian, I guess court room thriller, about an alleged Killer who killed young girls and record them as snuff films and sold them on the dark web. It mostly follows this model/internet savy gambler girl who attends the court proceedings. This came out last year on the festival circuit but is just in theaters in US. Very slippery (in a good way movie). Easily one of my favorites of the year. Don’t really want to talk about it too much as it is better just to watch it unfold.

The boys review Rebel Ridge with guest host Alex Winters, who played Bill in Bill and Ted.

I was surfing last night and looked at Dragged Across Concrete, will add it to the list.

Rebel Ridge, Serpico was definitely the lady cop. Agree that the ending didn’t really hit but i still thought it was a quality movie

Dragged Across Concrete is from the Bone Tomahawk writer/director, I’m in

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Really enjoyed Dragged Across Concrete

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Seems like I agree with everyone about Rebel Ridge. Great first half, but the ending/reveal just gave me whiplash. Don Johnson was great as a shitheel and I hope I get to see Aaron Pierre in more stuff. Overall, I think the conversation is probably tilted more negative than the movie deserves because people (including me) are focusing on the drop from the excellent first half to the less satisfying second half. This is a much better than average straight-to-Netflix movie.

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