Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The 2024 release date was always a lie though. When part two released, they hadn’t even finalized the script for part 3, let alone begun the animation process. Actual release was going to be 2025 at the earliest.


Festival buzz on this has been excellent. Now A24 picked it up. The race for the next Best Picture trophy is wide open, so I would hope the A24 acquisition means that it will get itself released by the end of this year.

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Fuck This GIFs | Tenor

Speak No Evil is review embargoed and comes out this Friday.

Almost always means a 90+% movie. I cant wait!

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On the other side of the coin, The Substance is not review embargoed, comes out in 2 weeks, and is rocking a 93%

Looks super gross and fun, and it cool to see a new Demi Moore lead dropping in 2024


Hasn’t seen the original but why are we remaking couple year old already in English movies?

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I find from paying a bit more attention this year that late review embargoes haven’t necessarily been a super strong negative tell - sometimes the reviews are relatively respectable overall, sometimes they’re dreadful - but lifting any review embargo well in advance is a reliable positive tell about the sort of reaction a studio is confidently expecting.

Saw the trailer for The Substance recently and notched it as “that could be good,” but I didn’t have a lot of confidence in that read. I’ll probably give it a go though.


It makes no sense, especially one that tells its story and hits all its themes nearly perfectly. There really isnt many ways to improve on it, so just to get a passable comparrison you have to hit a home run.

Also, you should check out the original. Its fantastic

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And as I typed that they literally just removed the embargo. 82% on the first 17 reviews.

Much higher than I would have expected. Only one “Top critic” so far though. Schager from the Daily Beast panned it pretty hard

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Sounds way too high on the scary scale for me. I’m a huge wimp.

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Looks like you might be right here. I expect it will fall into the “Passable, but unnecessary” camp strengthened by Mcavoy’s chops

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Nah, the actual scares last for maybe a minute or two. Its much more psychological and uncomfortable than scary.


See this review “Anyone questioning the reason this Speak No Evil exists should rest assured there is an emphatic answer: James Mcavoy celebrating his villain era.”


Agree I don’t understand this at all. If I remember right the two families converse in English for much of the movie but they speak different native languages and when they’re conversing in their native language the director didn’t subtitle those parts so the audience is left in the dark just like the opposing characters in the movie. I watched the trailer and it seems not great but we’ll see, I’ll probably end up giving it a go.


I was crestfallen that last night’s AMC Screen Unseen was My Old Ass, which looks great and I just couldn’t make a theater trip work last night.

At least its normal release will hit my theater in 16 days, so the wait isn’t too terrible.

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The trailer looked great I thought


Best trailer I’ve seen recently for sure.

I don’t tend to gobble up the online trailers, so I haven’t seen all of them by any means. I just kind of let them hit me as they will when I’m in the theater.

Looks great to me too.

I was just listening to the Blank Check episode for What Women Want, and they pointed out (with their female guest) how many of the top movies for women were actually made by men, so I was very happy when I saw who wrote and directed My Old Ass.

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Interesting review from Jahns here.

  1. Very surprised he never saw the original. Seems like it was making the rounds in the youtuber review circuit, so Im not sure why he missed it.

  2. He touches on the stupidity of the “good” couple and how prevalent it is, which makes me feel like anyone who saw the original wont like this, as stupidity was never the problem in the original. Im not sure if this movie will tackle the same themes as the original, but it sure doesnt seem like it.

  3. Not surprisingly, his big takeaway is Mcavoy is awesome, go see it if you like Mcavoy.

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