Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

got tickets for BEETLEJUICE tomorrow night, kinda amped :+1:t3:


So jealous. I want to go see it. First movie I wanted to see in a while.

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The movie is 99% awful, but I did laugh at the Batman and Robin speed dating scene.

iā€™m gonna pretend you didnā€™t post that

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Wait until you hear my taste in movie theme music

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Holy shit.

That was terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible


Got em

This oneā€™s got 1.1m views.

I thought the speed dating scene was a little bit amusing until Superman showed up. Justin Long is always great.

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I remember when this came out and thinking it was going to be great. What an insane cast. Then I saw the reviews and never thought about it again.

There was definitely some potential with the basketball scene and Terrence Howard was funny. Fell flat though - maybe they tried to force the humor too much? I think it wouldā€™ve worked better without the white team entering the locker room and if they did the game action in regular speed. I do like that Jared Dudley, Corey Brewer, and Larry Sanders were in it.

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Is there a documentary about the making of movie 43? I would watch that. Even an oral history.

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This one has Emma Stone and Kieran Culkin. Succession is back baby!

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Movie 43 is also an obnoxious entity if you play Cinenerdle Battle. I havenā€™t played it for a minute, but itā€™s fun. Basic concept is that youā€™re thunderdoming with someone to name movies that have a link in common with the last one, subject to limitations. When your opponent starts mashing Movie 43, theyā€™re stumped. But because of the large high-profile cast, it too often works and bails them out.

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Which Die Hard is the best sequel to the original?

Best Die Hard sequel
  • Die Hard 2
  • Die Hard with a Vengeance
  • Live Free or Die Hard
  • A Good Day to Die Hard
0 voters

Die Hard 3 is easily the best sequel. It tries something new so it isnt just a rehash of 1 like 2 is, and it has pre-cognitive issues Willis, which you can see shining through in 4 and 5.

Plus Sam Jackson is easily the best of the seconds


I like part three a lot too, but I have a soft spot for part two despite the plot holes.

Fondness for the first 4. 3 has Sam. 3 has a sleight of hand to steal a thing. 3 has a gruber and truly echoes the OG.

All have at least decent villians.

4 goes extra preposterous on the physics with highway bridge/jet/semi. Of course, nothing can ever top the fuel trail fire.

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and theyā€™re calling it ā€œcinenerdle battleā€? did kevin bacon sue?

Well the site is Cinenerdle, the battle function is the only one Iā€™ve learned. Thereā€™s other puzzles and stuff I think. Itā€™s kinda different than what I understand the Kevin Bacon game to be, though I havenā€™t actually attempted that.

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