Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)



22% critic score. Clearly conservative ballot stuffing.

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My friend wants to go see Reagan tomorrow. 2 hours 30 minutes :(

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Yeah Iā€™ve got #4 up there as well. I also remember reading something that I donā€™t really agree with, but itā€™s a spicy take and itā€™s interesting to think about: Fonda isnā€™t actually a hero. Heā€™s a manipulator more interested in converting minds than in saving an arguably guilty boy.

Do it for research

We thank you for your sacrifice.

I was going to say it in my earlier post, but I argue that #4 is actually more of a good-faith actor than #8. I come away with the impression that #4 is genuinely just trying to vote his conscience the whole time. #8 is a Just Asking Questions guy without the offensive ideology that you traditionally associate with that type. I always feel like the knife reveal gives away that his initial stance of ā€œI just want to talk it over for a while so we can all be sureā€ is more than a bit dubious. With that said, I do think #8 is a hero regardless. What he does is really impressive. So I depart somewhat from the take youā€™re relaying, but I definitely think thereā€™s something to what that person is saying.

When I saw Dennis Quaid doing PR for this, it became clear very quickly just what a dreadful movie this surely is. I donā€™t doubt that thereā€™s an interesting movie to make about Reagan (and basically any historical figure), but it was clear from early on in the marketing of this movie that this is an unnuanced puff piece. Hard pass.

I voted it was certified hot but I thought it was RAYGUN


Guess Whoā€™s Coming to Dinner (1967)

Iā€™ve been slow to getting around to filling in my Sidney Poitier resume gaps. Iā€™ve seen In the Heat of the Night and A Raisin in the Sun, but this remained outstanding. The premise is an easy sell just in terms of creating dramatic tension, etc., but movies that are clearly designed to be a soapbox can go really bad really quickly. Iā€™m looking at you, Adam fucking McKay; go to director jail forever (with provisions for work release if youā€™re exclusively making approved broad slapstick comedies with no message). Anyway, thankfully it feels like this one hit a good pitch. I honestly canā€™t go further than ā€œfeels likeā€ because I lack both the life experience and the scholarship of knowing exactly how progressive this was in 1967, and that lens is the only reasonable one to judge it by. I only know that it landed well for me as a viewer tonight.

Poitier really was a force of nature. From scene to scene heā€™s consistently really strong, but when heā€™s teed up for his big moments, very few actors from any era are more powerful in delivering the coup de grace that the movie asks from them. Heā€™s tremendous in this, even more impressive than I consider him to be in the other two classic films where Iā€™ve seen him play lead or co-lead. Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy were also really strong in supporting roles, both worthy Oscar nominees and in Hepburnā€™s case a worthy Oscar winner. Katharine Houghton feels miscast and fairly weak as Poitierā€™s romantic interest, but the film overcomes it.

Recommended viewing if you havenā€™t seen it. Itā€™s on Prime Video. 4/5.


You gotta see A Patch of Blue

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I just added it to the watchlist. Unfortunately not streaming right now, but Iā€™ll keep my eyes peeled. I also need to see To Sir with Love.



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This eight year directing run for Rob Reiner has to be close to unparalleled


Not bad for a meathead

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Yeah, even the racist guy is at least taking the situation seriously. Baseball guy doesnā€™t care at all if the kid did it or not, he just wants to go to the game.

Havenā€™t seen ā€œThe Sure Thingā€. I walked by it a million times in the video store, but just assumed it was junk based on the box art. Will rectify shortly.




Holy fucking shit thats incredible

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