Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Thought Bryant Reeves was underrated on the Vancouver Grizzlies.


Short animated Alien film I saw on YouTube today. Not sure if posted already. Good stuff

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It’s just like when Amazon KDP decided my Kindle version plagiarized my paperback. Except no human ever came to my rescue :(

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Seems less than ideal when your first trailer well before release has to open with “please ignore the critics, they often get shit wrong.” Especially when paired with “you know, people misunderstood The Godfather too.” Yeah, no. It did massive box office with the public and then shipped a bunch of Oscars. It wasn’t one of those reclamation projects after flopping.

Ending sucked imo

To each their own but I actually put it as an all time great ending. It’s genius how it plays with notions of philosophy and epistemology.


Fucking lol at the slow motion horror version of Tubthumpin

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I was thinking the same thing. I feel like I should make a movie where the entire soundtrack is the “upbeat song slowed down” trope. Though I’m sure the slowed down song is just in the trailer in this case.


I am with you on this one. Also can’t overstate how cool the shot is of her running to the medicine box.


Ya I’ve done a few deep dives into that shot. It’s very cool technically.

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Glad you could enjoy it! I did not and was super disappointed

The movie was good, the book was phenomenal. It was the first ‘epic’ book that I read, 600 plus pages, that was about a person’s life from youth to old age. In the book I remember there were long discussions about how do we communicate with aliens? Do we use binary? Base 10 counting? What are common points of information that we could communicate? I remember them talking about how hydrogen would be a good starting point and then describing an atom and then describing the atom incorrectly to represent false and then using true and false to represent binary and then building from there. I remember someone talking about someone worrying that the aliens had an image from the world and then from the height of the clouds they could determine humidity and temperature and all sorts of stuff.

It really opened my eyes that science wasn’t just a vehicle for cool things like you think of when you’re a kid but science as logical puzzles, using deduction and induction to try and solve questions you wouldn’t even think of, and be able to get more information than you would think by applying different pieces of information together, all wrapped up in good story about religion, science, belief, and epistemology.


It’s been a while, but I remember loving the book too. It was one of the first serious adult books I read as a teenager after seeing the movie.

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I am not going to say anything else and don’t google more but based on what you wrote I highly recommend reading Project Hail Mary. It’s the most recent book by the guy who wrote The Martian.

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Sad thing is Sagan died before the movie came out.

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Got me to look it up. I placed a hold on it with my library.

Did you by chance also read his other book Artemis?

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I did it’s not near as good and he even admits it. I liikenir still but it’s a big step down from Martian and Hail Mary

FYI a movie of Hail Mary is in the works with the same script writer as The Martian and set to star Ryan Gosling.

Careful googling for spoiler though. Book is much more fun the less you know.

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I liked Hail Mary a lot


I’ve only seen universal praise for it, but I’ve held off on it because seemed like, from the short description of the book and the cover, that it was covering similar ground as The Martian. I liked The Martian but I wasn’t in the mood to read for a retread. If it’s different though I’ll read it.

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