Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Why does @LKJ hate movies? I bet Tom Cruise loved it!


So whatā€™s the worst movie you guys have seen recently? I saw Wild Wild West as part of a group watch, itā€™s so bad yā€™all. Just relentlessly homophobic, ablest, transphobic, and sorta racist to boot. Which might be okay if the jokes worked at all, but they donā€™t. Even by the standards of the day itā€™s just mean-spirited and dumb. Selma Hayek is okay, I guess. 1/2 stars out of like 50, much worse than Quantumania.

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Itā€™s been a bit but Apache Junction is way up there for me

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Identity I guess. It was incoherent and (even worse for a thriller) boring

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OK so the conceit of Crank is that the bad guys inject Jason Statham with poison that will kill himā€¦sometime. Not immediately, unclear when. But soon. But if he can keep his heart rate high he will live longer, giving him the opportunity to exact revenge on the bad guys. So far so good right? Obviously he just spends a lot of time chasing and killing people and trying to keep his heart rate up. BUT THEN at some point heā€™s with his girlfriend (I am offended on behalf of Amy Smart, good lord) and I guess feels like heā€™s about to die so decides he needs to have sex with her in order to get his heart rate up. Except theyā€™re in public in a crowded place in Chinatown, so she doesnā€™t want to have sex with him and tries to get away. But he corrals her and begins raping her, and good news after a few seconds sheā€™s totally into it. And so is the crowd of Chinese people, who cheer and hoot when he gets the job done! Later, you see a young Chinese lady being interviewed on TV talking about the manly man who ā€œgave itā€ to his girlfriend in front of everyone.

This is all played for laughs.

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Not too long ago I watched a little James Spader/Maggie Gyllenhaal movie called Secretary. I thought the whole thing was absolutely repulsive.

Boss relentlessly sexually harasses his clearly unwell secretary, but sheā€™s into it so itā€™s cool. In the end, they live happily ever after. Thatā€™s the movie.

To masterā€™s earlier question: thatā€™s one that gets one star from me. And would be my answer to worst movie Iā€™ve seen recently.


Gotti for me.

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Had to watch Silver Linings Playbook recently. Still fucking wretched. An absolute slog of a movie with 20 year old JL plyaing a 40 year old even though her character is 20 for some fucking reason. An absolute shit performance from Cooper playing a schizophrenic. Deniro with one of the worst plot lines ever put to film, and THE ABSOLUTE WORST third act in the history of film. And oh yeah, jumpscare Chris Tucker for litterally no reason. I dont know if his inclusion is worse than Chapelle in A Star is Born, but its fucking close.

Fuck this movie.



Love Actually is going to be studied in classrooms in the future. Like time capsule stuff. Theyā€™ll think AI made it.


I only recently discovered thereā€™s a sequel with most of the original cast. Havenā€™t seen it though.

Aside from Jaws, what are your favorite shark movies?

Iā€™ve got The Shallows and 47 Meters Down as legit good, with Deep Blue Sea as campy good.

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Watched About time last week (romantic comedy about time travel from 2013). Not sure why I wanted to watch it (Rachel McAdams probably), but I had a complete misconception about the kind of movie it was. I guess I was expecting some kind of dramatic tension, maybe some Black Mirror-lite vibes. Instead itā€™s just a very boring story about kind British people and family life. I knew about 30 seconds in (when it starts with a ā€œcuteā€ voice-over while the family is living leisurely in their country house) that watching this was a mistake, but sadly I couldnā€™t find the strength to stop it before the end.

(Itā€™s written/directed by the same guy who made ā€œLove actuallyā€ btw, a piece of info I unfortunately only found out afterwards or I wouldnā€™t have bothered)

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Back to the Future Part II is a legitimately terrible movie. I never saw in the theaters, so thereā€™s no nostalgia bump for me. I canā€™t even imagine how bad Part III is.


Better than II.

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Maybe itā€™s just a clever trailer, but this looks good and I think Iā€™ll be in the 65% audience score.

Iā€™m a glutton for Shyamalan. He has had some stunning misses since Lady in the Water, but he proved with Split that heā€™s still capable of hitting one out of the park now and then.

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My wife likes this movie for some reason I donā€™t understand. I agree with you tbh. Itā€™s one of the biggest WTF movies ever.

A total waste of a pretty good cast.

I saw Silver Linings Playbook in the theater and donā€™t recall feeling strongly one way or another.

A Shyamalan movie called Trapā€¦you were warned


Lol I probably wonā€™t see it until itā€™s on Tubi anyway

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