Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)


How can you not love a movie where a hero jumps feet first into lava?

Now Dante’s Peak, there’s a stinker.


I mean I like many of the comic book movies a lot, so I don’t share in Marty’s total dismissal of them. Though I also don’t begrudge him his right to talk shit. But yeah, in any case, this installment was rough.

Okay one more plug for Blank Check: if you’re a Rewatchables listener and haven’t listened to Blank Check, this coming episode (to post on Saturday or Sunday) will feature Rewatchables go-to guy Chris Ryan as its guest on their episode about Open Range. Might be a good entry point for a new listener.

Open Range is a great 90s western. One of the most enjoyable later-career performances from Robert Duvall. It’s on Tubi for free (with ads). Recommended viewing.

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Damn even I wouldn’t watch It’s Pat, and I’m planning on watching Leprechaun 5: In the Hood this weekend.


I mean I was in high school, it was a rental VHS viewing at my friend’s house. I can’t remember whether I had a role in approving the choice. I take minimal responsibility for having watched it. I mostly just remember the horror of it being the absolute worst thing I could remember seeing.

My comments about Marvel were stupid and I will do better. I’ve reached out to Kevin Feige and will no longer play in that mud slinging sandbox of competition we call the internet nor will I engage in the toilet paper promotion or game play that is designed for clicks not content.

I thought she must have gone HAM, but lol at the minimal comment taken to this extreme.

Jamie Lee Curtis is vowing no longer to throw shade at Marvel Studios. The Oscar winner recently went viral on social media due to a Comic-Con interview with MTV in which she was asked to name what phase the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in right now. Curtis responded: “Bad.”

Lololololol she is the Salmun Rushdie of the MCU. Hard to know who is more militant, marvel nerds or radical Islamists.

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My bad movie of the day is “Crank” starring Jason Statham. It is the height of jerky camera movements and quick cuts, so I really just have it playing while I work and glance at it occasionally. If I had gone to see this in the theater (I wouldn’t have) I would have walked out in the first 60 seconds.

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I watched The Invisible Man again last night. Truly a magnificent movie and direct examination of escaping domestic abuse. The opening scene sets the expectation for how much sound design plays into the subtle ratcheting up of tension.

I kept the captions on and was pleasantly surprised how often it helped me identify when the invisible man was secretly present in the background due to a nearly silent sound effect.

Leigh Whannell does not miss.


(except on the horribly executed key sequence in the middle where her allies break from her)

Good movie though.

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But a woman jumped feet first into lava in Dante’s Peak…

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That part worked for me though. She appears from the outside to be losing her mind and becoming violent to the people around her. Her ex does a great job isolating her and making everyone (including herself) think she might be crazy.

I don’t remember this scene… Was it with another human strapped to their back?

It was the old lady jumping out to pull the burning canoe to shore

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Like, it requires the girl who has been very capable and smart to that point in the movie to suddenly become stupid as hell to believe with full conviction what she suddenly claims to believe in. She’s looking right at her and sees the distance between them the instant before this happens. She has to think not only that she’s suddenly become violent, but also that she has morphed into Quicksilver.


They’re not that far apart. But also what else is she supposed to believe? That an invisible man hit her? It makes much more sense to believe that she got hit fast before she could be aware what was happening. Our perception of what’s happening lags micro seconds behind the actual event.

This you LKJ?


How could it miss? Unlike some other comic-book mashup movies, “Deadpool & Wolverine” brought together two characters — and, in Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, two stars — who were already cast-iron brand names in their own right.

Well I’ve sure as hell never thought “how could it miss?” about a Ryan Reynolds vehicle, so it’s probably some other person who wrote this.


Trying to throw us off the trail imo

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