Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Writer director of Once and Sing Street has new movie this fall complete with new music. Just shot to my my number one most anticipated above Killers of a Flower Moon.

Lovely recommendation.

Kind of refreshing after The Deepest Breath, which was not nearly as direct about the outcome being explored.

Had to skip the reclaimed footage segment near the end though. Way too harrowing. I said out loud, ā€œNope, thatā€™s too much.ā€

So movie history question

going with the

AFIā€™s 100 Yearsā€¦100 Movies (10th Anniversary Edition)

Only one of the top 5 won best director Oscar what do you think it was

    1. Citizen Kane
    1. The Godfather
    1. Casablanca
    1. Raging Bull
    1. Singinā€™ in the Rain

0 voters

6 7 and 8 were Gone with the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, and Schindlerā€™s List which all snap got best director.

I knew that Welles, Scorsese, Coppola all lost, so I had it down to 2.

Picked the one that wasnā€™t even nominated LOL.

If Marshawn Lynch isnā€™t in the next Expendables movie I donā€™t know what weā€™re doing here.

(Clip does contain plot spoilers, I suppose.)


I sincerely hope we never hear me too shit about him.

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Nominated for the Palme dā€™Or at 2001 Cannes, The Pledge is a nearly perfect movie from the chilling long opening shot to the next 2/3 of the movieā€™s runtime.

It is way up there with Copland and Insomnia about aging cops unable to call it quits until they finish one last job. I kept wondering how I missed a truly unique Jack Nicholson performance where heā€™s playing something other than a lecherous horndog.

But the last third of the movie is impossibly bad. As though Sean Penn handed the film to his eight year old cousin and said here ya go, you finish it.

Well anyway, seems to be based on a book. I can see how the ending might have played very differently as a book and they just didnā€™t understand this will not translate the same way on screen.

Check it out also for Benicio del Toro. Brief but wow performance from him too.

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From the 0:39 mark is a wonderful example of introducing the audience to a believable and likable relationship in less than a minute.

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Whereā€™d you get the money?

From the gettinā€™ place.

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The gun was from the gettinā€™ place. Even better, he just tells her he has a big bag full of money with full confidence that sheā€™ll take it in as sarcasm. Dude spends the whole minute avoiding uncomfortable truths without telling a lie.

Knowing since first seeing that movie that Kelly MacDonaldā€™s natural accent is a pretty pronounced Irish gives me additional appreciation for her playing a very believable Texan.


Looks promising:

Possibly my favorite movie ever, dialogue-wise. Helps to be based on a McCarthy book ofc.

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The same. The Coens and McCarthy are a perfect marriage.

Did you also see The Counselor? If only Ridley Scott had based his movie off a McCarthy book instead of an original script. But I will be honest and admit I have the DVD and watch it every few months. Itā€™s got a lot of amazing stuff that just needed the Coens to temper it.


I have not! Gotta admit the imdb/rt scores donā€™t exactly make me want to either.

Huge Coen fan in general ofc.

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Iā€™d love to hear what you think. Itā€™s got a great cast, including the actor who played Chighur. The ending in particular either makes you love the movie or hate it in the same way the ending of No Country either felt abruptly confusing or deeply profound (those are the same pictures meme).

But thereā€™s no denying the intensity of the ending and a lot of other scenes. Ridley Scott pulls no punches in his adaptation of an original script from Cormac McCarthy.

I think this is maybe a movie made specifically for fans of No Country for Old Men if that movie had been tinted with the kind of slightly more obtrusive satire seen in their other movies. Itā€™s not a comedy, but it does swing at a couple of things McCarthy would prob narrow his eyes at, eg Cameron Diaz describing her relationship with a car long before Titane hit screens.

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The Counselor looks good Iā€™ll have to add it to my list.

I know Hollywood had been trying to bring Blood Meridian to the screen for decades and it looks like the director of The Road is taking it on now. I donā€™t know how you do it right but hopefully he figures it out.

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Iā€™ll give it a try! Sounds interesting enough for sure.

No country ending is perfect ofc.

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Ohhhh, thatā€™ll be something to see! The Road was my first McCarthy book, randomly picked it up in an airport and devoured it in one night. Movie adaption.was notbadobama.jpg imo.

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I have now seen TĆ”r. I see that Cate Blanchett has entered the ā€œitā€™s too boring to give Michael Jordan the MVP every yearā€ stage of her career, since thatā€™s the only reason not to give her the Oscar for that absolute powerhouse of a performance.

Nothing against Michelle Yeoh, who would have been the deserving winner against any number of past fields.