Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

You have to develop pretty thick skin when you attend a high school where a conflict over a girl can end up with the bad guys literally shooting your dad!

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Trailers really lost something when they stopped having that guy with that voice explain the movie to you.

He was kind of a pussy in Wall Street.

You’ll also like New Kids then.

Then you can watch Rad to complete the trilogy.

Someone made a different version of the trailer that utilizes the original score. Much better imo.

After recently rewatching Twister to I guess give a fair shake to a movie that underwhelmed in high school, and in doing so confirm that it’s a mediocre movie that people are extremely charitable to because ???, I rewatched Clueless - also one I have not understood the enduring popularity of - and I must say, I sold this one short in the past. Truly great movie. As teenage adaptations of classic literature go, maybe it’s even the best one. Cool time capsule also to see some young stars like Paul Rudd, Donald Faison, and Brittany Murphy cooking. I can’t say I had any actual awareness of Paul Rudd being a thing all the way back in 1995.


Awesome. One of my favorite movies. There was talk of a reunion series, but the closest we got was this commercial.

Watching Paul Rudd as Paris in Romeo + Juliet is creepy because he looks exactly the same, not younger, exactly the same.

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It remains a significant reading memory of mine when I read Emma and it got to a part where a character that Emma wasn’t involved with got into a car with her “and immediately began passionately making love to her.” I was jarred; it was a MASSIVE ramp-up in whatever their relationship was, and seemed like a big tonal shift. Definitely didn’t realize for a minute that “passionately making love to her” meant “confessing that he was in love with her” in Austen-speak.

I was a little surprised that this movie didn’t have an “Emma acts completely shitty to someone of a lower social station and gets called out hard on it” moment since that seems like such a compelling turning point in the story and it’s been used in the Gwyneth Paltrow and Anya Taylor-Joy adaptations, but ah well.

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Horizon: An American Saga


Saying anything more than it’s 3 hour long episodes of a mediocre TV series stitched together into a movie would be putting more effort than went into this movie.

OK one example. Here’s how WasĂ© Chief shows up in the movie. This is her Instagram of the still where she first shows up. Eyebrows plucked, skin glowing, not a spec of dirt on her and she’s supposed to be an Apache woman in a village. I was waiting for a GQ photo shoot to break out.

Everything looked a little too clean, a little too little effort, like everyone’s putting their 9 to 5 in on the set.


Good enough for you to see part two? I’ve been curious whether the conversion gamble will pay off.

Not for me. I didn’t really care too much for the characters or how it turns out

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Anxiety had a specific camera language, which benefited from the kinds of close-ups the Safdies used to convey similar intensity and anxiety in Uncut Gems. Habib says Mann took a lot of elements on board from Uncut Gems and the way it visually suggests its emotion, including the handheld camera, extreme deep and shallow focus, and the use of wide-angle lenses — even if they’re only virtual lenses, created with CG effects.

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Getting ready to do the same and I was hoping maybe it would whelm this time.

Ah well, I’ll have it on while I play Slay the Spire, which is good enough to be able to listen to the Rewatchables.

Clueless is great, as is Legally Blonde - two movies that it seems like didn’t get much serious consideration when they first came out.

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Yeah “Clueless” is amazing, I saw it for the first time a few years ago and loved it, and I’m also sure I wouldn’t have liked it 25 years ago.

When I posted about it at the time, someone here (@skydiver8 I think, thanks !) recommended that I read some Jane Austen, and after reading “Pride&prejudice” my appreciation for Clueless was even higher, as I felt that they really managed to keep the same spirit of light fun satire while bringing it to a modern setting.

I’d also seen the ATJ-starring “Emma” which didn’t do much for me. One funny thing about this movie which would make it feel very different if I rewatched today is that the “secondary couple” is played by a pair of actors who at the time only seemed to me to be “somewhat ugly British people”, but who have somehow since both become sex symbols (Mia Goth and Josh O’Connor). (maybe MG was already famous at the time, not sure).

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Yeah, I mean nobody should take my word for it with Twister, you’ll find legions of people who swear that’s a classic action movie of the era. It’s fine; I think my opinion went up slightly on rewatch, but I’m not even altogether sure my opinion was that much different back when I first watched it. I think it’s more that it became an object of annoyance over time as people kept insisting how good it was and that hadn’t been my memory at all, which I think caused me to mentally downgrade it a bit from “meh” to “actually below average” when the former was probably right.

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Twister is worth watching for Hoffman alone. Guy was so elite in every role. He takes a nothing tiny role and steals the whole movie.


I thought the pretty literal adaptation of Pride and Prejudice from 2005 worked well, the one featuring Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen. Took me a bit of watching Succession before I realized that the reason Tom Wambsgans looked familiar is that I previously saw him as Mr. Darcy. (PSA to those who would care: significant Pride and Prejudice spoilers in this video):

I thought Emma was a great book too. The AT-J adaptation was fine but was also probably the weakest I’ve seen. I’m definitely now squarely at:

  1. Clueless
  2. Gwyneth Paltrow Emma
  3. Anya Taylor-Joy Emma

The other Austen I’ve read is Sense and Sensibility, and I remember finishing it and thinking, “How could there even be a movie adaptation of this?” Book was alright, but didn’t have a compelling narrative. The film having Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet should be draw enough to bother with trying it, but I just haven’t yet.


PSH was generally incredible of course, but that was one of the things about rewatching Twister that didn’t work for me. I gather his character was meant to be endearing, but that wasn’t my experience with the character at all. I do agree that he made the character pop in a way that most actors wouldn’t have, but I didn’t actually enjoy his scenes.

It does feel to me like Bill Paxton deserved an even better career than the (still good) one he got. He was an effective lead in that movie, and I absolutely love A Simple Plan and he’s a strong lead in that one too along a fantastic Billy Bob Thornton supporting performance. I guess it always felt like Paxton ended up getting kind of a Gary Sinise career while being better than Sinise.


You mean aside from the top tier cast and excellent special effects? :smile:

Of course, a comedian once complained: “How can a tornado shoot a 3-penny nail into a 2 by 4 but can’t get a tank top and bra off Helen Hunt?”

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