Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Good Lord. A quote comes to mind.

“It’s not that you’re mad that you had it bad. It’s that you’re that pissed that so many others had it good.” -Melvin Udall, As Good as It Gets

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If Fury Road was an action movie with built-in character development, then Furiosa is a character development movie with built-in action. I know I’m in the minority, but - despite a couple flaws - I think i enjoyed the latter more.

These are the type of movies that I enjoy the ride but quickly forget about. The action tends to be too constant.

The road warrior with the solo protagonist and a limited number of baddies at once with a smaller action scope is actually much more effective.

The big action pieces are cool but they don’t necessarily make a better movie.

15/10 for the road warrior is a bit low?

What’s going on with movies? I’m watching Furiosa in the evening on a holiday and there’s probably 10 people in the theater.

Old news. Streaming has killed theaters.

Worst may long theatre gross since 1995 not even adjusted for inflation.

Movies are in big trouble. More accurately big blockbuster movies are in big trouble. Frankly I won’t be too sad if they die. I want the mid budget adult film back.


Holiday weekend maybe? Seems like a poor time to release but maybe it isn’t historically.

I’m glad you liked it. Idk if I’m alone in this but I think this is a perfect George Clooney double feature with Syriana.



This made me curious what an average porn film costs to make and its way less than I imagined. $25,000. That would be like the lowest end of super Indy film budgets. Apparently the most expensive porn movies are in the $1.5 million range.

Man, Speak No Evil is fucking rough.

Bjorn not even making an attempt at survival blows my fucking mind. He knows what is going to happen and doesnt try to gouge an eye or bite off a fucking nose? Its tough to suspend that disbelief. I know that we spent the movie showing what a pushover he is in the face of being rude, but it just seems a step to far.

“Because you let me” is such a punch in the fucking mouth. Its true and terrible and man, my brain hurts after this one.


What are you possibly paying for? Talent, cameras (I bet most are shot on Iphone or something these days) and rental of a space? You would hope there is budget for things like an intamacy coordinator but thats highly unlikely.

I thought this one was brutal. I’m still kind of wtf that we are getting an American remake.

There is absolutely no reason to remake it


Right??! Isn’t most of the original movie already in English too?

About 90%, yes. There was a bit of Dutch and Danish but the majority of the movie is in English. What a weird choice.

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Yea saw the preview the other night and I’m like why?

Wait there is already a preview for the remake?

This was my complaint of the movie as well. No way in hell you just let that happen without some kind of resistance

Holy shit this looks terrible.

They turned the last act into an action movie.