Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Best review ever.

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My friend couldnā€™t stop ranting about how much he hated this movie. But he rants about a lot of things.

I thought it was alright, but it felt like Darren Aronofsky running out of ideas. Basically felt like he ran back The Wrestler in a different skin, but not as good.

And my assessment seems to be more positive than the consensus.

Obviously heā€™s not the star and heā€™s in the teaser trailer for a total of maybe a second, but Andy Samberg in a drama:

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Nope. If youā€™d seen it, youā€™d remember it.

The movie Palm Springs was definitely a comedy, but he showed a fair amount of range in it.

My partners and I met the Lonely Island guys just after they had unseated Jack Black at Channel 101. A friend of mine was (and still is) at UTA and had signed them, but they were young and starving and needed work-work, not just awesome prospects for development deals etc. Jorma had an acting background, Akiva was already on the director track, but it was immediately clear that Andy was the guy who was going to work on-camera. We booked him on a few commercials before SNL happened. Very unlikely heā€™d remember my name.


:+1:Palm Springs


Gonna have to disagree with you. That was 30 years ago and I had ADD. I wasnā€™t dialed in to a black and white film about a jury.

Oh wow, Stuckman got Mike Flanagan on to EP his movie

Comedy actors being able to effectively perform dramatic roles seems like the standard and not the exception. I basically expect that any comic actor I enjoy is able to do it, and that it just comes down to the actorā€™s desire to do that and a studioā€™s willingness to have the actor play against the usual type.

Most definitely. I wasnā€™t criticizing that he is in that movie - Iā€™m excited about it. Comedic actors tend to be very in tune with emotion and timing, which translates well to drama.

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Iā€™m not a big fan of Sambergā€™s comedy but Palm Springs is a very enjoyable movie.


Justified is loaded with comic actors playing serious roles.


I know I saw Palm Springs and found it amusing, although I canā€™t remember much of anything about the movie.

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Same. It was pleasant but disposable. As derivatives of Groundhog Day go, it was better than The Map of Tiny Perfect Things or whatever that was.

I am a major sucker for this plot.

I really liked Frequencies

The Fall Guy

After a cold open, we get a pristine ā€œThunderstruckā€ needle-drop as backdrop to the credits, and weā€™re off to the running. Gosling and Blunt are charming and charismatic, there are more fun needle-dropsā€¦the movie is paper-thin, of course, but itā€™s leaning into its strengths and maximizing what it has. Halfway through, this is going really well.

And then David Leitch gets the weird fucking idea into his head that maybe the audience should actually care about his movieā€™s incredibly stupid plot, and he grinds the damn thing to a halt as he creates a convoluted mess for our protagonists to weave their way through. What feels especially surreal is that thereā€™s the absolutely wrong kind of meta joke (I think?) worked in, where Gosling tells a character that theyā€™re getting all bogged down in exposition. At exactly the moment that this movie is beginning to get bogged down in exposition. Mind you, if the movie had suddenly reignited at that point and gotten really good again, I would maybe kind of admire it, butā€¦no. No, weā€™re in a whole other phase here where weā€™re actually supposed to care about whatever the fuck this convoluted shit is, and slowly but surely I just became ready for this to be done. I truly couldnā€™t have expected to feel that way midway through the movie, but itā€™s where I ended up.

Iā€™m annoyed that this movie just randomly decides at some point to get away from everything that was working. I guess this is a 3/5 on the strength of the good stuff? Whatever.

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Yeah Iā€™d say itā€™s a popcorn movie that doesnā€™t really become more than a forgettable popcorn movie. Iā€™m not going to take away too many points because it seems like everyone was having fun and instead of leaning into a wink wink nod nod, ā€œwell that just happenedā€ stuff that marvel does for action movies, it mostly is just having fun.

Weird though that the trailers made it seem like Blunt and Gosling were going to be in a lot of scenes together and have some great chemistry, but they spend most of the movie apart.

Last point, whoever told Gosling to go sardonic asshole for comedy and stoic asshole for serious roles should get an award. He plays those parts great.

Also Blunt can pull off any outfit at any time. She pulled off a jumper, a jumper! and I was dang that looks good. No one looks that good in a jumper. Sheā€™s also just burning with charisma.


throws an axe.

ā€œDaniel Day Lewis!ā€

Yes. A billion percent yes.

But someone needed to tell her character that youā€™re not allowed to go emo for karaoke. (I actually liked that sequence, but still.)