Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Avatar. The rest are small Indy artsy films. I guess also Fury Road but even that has an Indy vide.

I think the Descent is awesome!

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The village was the one that stood out to me the most.


Hell yea

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I think that was an autocorrect or something.


Going to see challengers with my father. I’ll report back how much of an error this was after. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Challengers (2024)

There is essential zero nudity, not a single sex scene and you could almost show this to your kids who wouldn’t get it. Yet this is the sexiest, steamiest, horniest movie I’ve seen in a long time. It’s like a magic trick. Every ball strike, grunt, walk, slow motion take, camera tilt, smile, small hand gesture and musical overtone just oozes sex. It’s also not just heterosexual either, but is filled with homoerotic subtext and text. That was a little awkward with my gay dad!

I absolutely loved this movie. The acting, directing, writing and cinematography are outstanding. It’s a deeply nuanced and adult take on love, sex and friendship.

My favorite film of the year so far, overtaking Dune 2.

This is why I fucking love movies.

Grade: XXX

If you want to get laid, take your significant other to this movie. It might be most guaranteed closer ever caught on film.


Jesus this was written by the husband of Celine Song who directed Past Lives.

What an unreal couple! Without a doubt the love triangle master storytellers.

I have a bad habit of reading plot synopsis on Wikipedia before seeing movies, so I just did for this.

Really curious how most moviegoers will take the ending.

Obviously this is based on a straight synopsis but it seems very abrupt and unfulfilling. Not the worst thing for a movie that oozes sexuality, but with audiences generally hoping for a happy ending, it seems like this may not go over super well with everyone.

Curious on your take about the ending specifically.

I loved the ending. It makes perfect sense in the context of the film.

Wasn’t really a fan, but it wasn’t any sort of significant hit to how I felt about the movie.

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I saw a reviewer call it Edging:the movie which might be the best description of a film ever.

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Nah that was just my drunken selection. I think with a little closer inspection I think I have Kill Bill Vol 2 coming in at 2004 just over it. Other Guys does have some A+ comedy moments

That being said yeah last third of the film is weak, even if the credits are shitting on CEOs.

Hamilton is such a weird case. If you want to argue it isn’t a movie, I won’t argue. If it was released in a normal time it wouldn’t be in my top ten. But it is in my top ten movies on the last 20 years almost entirely because of when it was released. Hamilton is just so what I needed right in the middle of COVID

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You knew you were sitting in a movie in the right tone when they jumped off that roof and the next scene was basically their funeral. It was just so wtf.

It kind of reminded me of what pulled me into Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In that movie, after Willy has had to leave home (or more accurately that his home was gone), they show him walking through a bunch of cheesy flags in a really hokey sequence and I was like, ‘ohmigod that is so stupid’, and then the punchline was that he was walking through a ‘Flags of the World’ exhibit on the same day. It was so tonally wild I couldn’t not love the movie after that. It was basically like a Pee Wee’s Big Adventure moment, which was what made me start digging Tim Burton as a director as a kid. Killing off The Rock and Samuel L. Jackson in their first few minutes of screen time when they were huge stars was so subversive and you knew you were in for something different.

I liked the tone of The Other Guys but thought it was uneven with hilarious moments. I don’t know if it’s in that desk pop scene, but I’ve been looking for the Canavale line ‘Shut up!’ as an individual clip on YouTube. His read of that line was elite.

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Mad max : Fury road

Only saw it once before (in theaters when it came out) and while I loved it at the time, I also remember finding it a bit too long, and since we have LKJ here posting every week on how it’s bad, I was curious to see how I would feel about it on rewatch.

Anyway I’m not sure I would call it “one of the best movies of the last 20 years” anymore as that would be…a massive understatement ? it’s so clearly the best action movie ever made, maybe even the best movie period, I would even go so far as calling it one of mankind’s greatest artistic achievements on par with renaissance paintings etc…

And it’s even better on rewatch bc you already know there’s no surprise or plot coming and you can just enjoy the non-stop visual inventivity and the dynamism of it all.

I’m (once again) completely amazed that a movie like this got made, where zero time is wasted on plot or exposition, feels so radical for a mainstream movie.
( love that there’s almost no dialogue in the first 30 mins and when there is it’s just stuff like “yeah we’re getting gasoline from the Gas Town and bullets from the Bullet farm”. simple and to the point !)

couldn’t be more hyped for Furiosa…only 4 weeks from now !


I watched this one and had fun (always happy to take recommandations for 80 mins movies !), although tbh I’d only watched Van Damme movies from the 80s or 90s, so seeing him as 1) “old” 2) the villain !? (and also Canadian, vegan,…) was a bit of a shock. He definitely had some funny lines in this, and the action was good. I’m not sure what moment you’re referring to in your post though ?

His hairstyle. He looked like a crazy Beethoven in his intro shot and that’s the shot that’s cut off on the movie poster. I think that hair choice did not go over well with the studio at all.

If you’re meaning the payoff it was his line and reading of:

‘F***ing gasoline, I knew it’ll ruin everything!’ and laughing maniacally as he’s about to blow up

Got it, i figured this was the line you were referencing but couldn’t understand why it would be in the trailer, didn’t realize you were talking about two different things. That first thing you mention was definitely part of the shock factor lol.

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Um, singles best ending to a movie I remember seeing in a LONG time. Plot synopsis can’t possible express how it ALL builds up to the ending.