Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)


Anyone else? Trailer looks intriguing. @RiskyFlush? @LKJ ?

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I thought it was fine. I do plan to give it a second look as I continue watching the Wes movies back. I presently have a higher opinion of it than I do of Life Aquatic or Bottle Rocket. And maybe Rushmore by a little bit too?

And mine is a relatively negative review compared to the consensus. People love that movie. Give it a shot IMO.

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Agree. Itā€™s one of the two Anderson films I like. The other is Tenenbaums

Not me. I donā€™t usually enjoy Wes Anderson movies.

Fair, Iā€™m a bit mixed myself.

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Iā€™m detecting that there may have been an unspoken moment since the prior exchange where you tried Grand Budapest Hotel and it didnā€™t work for you. Which is why I promised nothing! Confirm/deny?

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False alarm. I havenā€™t given it a shot yet. Yesterday I chose Zone of Interest and am kinda regretting that I didnā€™t watch Grand Budapest instead.

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Curious to hear what you think about Grand Budapest! I enjoyed it immensely.

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Iā€™ll probs see it tomorrow. Last chance before my Hulu trial runs out!

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Saw frozen empire and it was bad and should feel bad imo


I saw it a week ago and legit donā€™t think I can remember the plot.

I watched Grand Budapest today. What a delightful movie. Thereā€™s so much here to love. I like all of the stories within stories. This was accessible enough too for me to understand the aesthetic of a Wes Anderson movie that appeals broadly to his fans.

Not enough for me to finish Asteroid City, but a win for a non fan.


Itā€™s easy to see why that one was the big commercial success that also got nominated for Best Picture. For my money, it would have been a good winner that year. Would personally have voted for Whiplash, but given the Academyā€™s childlike insistence most years on giving the big award to something that isnā€™t too dark, Grand Budapest Hotel would have been a worthy second choice.

(Birdman actually winning was fine, but just would not have been my vote. Probably would have been my #3 on a ranked ballot.)

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Thatā€™s a year where I think Best Director might not go to the same winner for Best Picture. Iā€™d much rather have seen Best Picture go to Whiplash or Grand Budapest. Best Director should have gone to Linklater for Boyhood. I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily a Best Picture winner, but thereā€™s no denying the scale of what he achieved as director. I would also have liked for Best Original Screenplay to have gone to Grand Budapest, which plays almost like Iā€™m listening to a novel with illustrations.

Boyhood is a bloodless, dull movie wrapped in kind of a cool gimmick. Super weird of Linklater to just decide that it was optional to make his movie interesting as long as there was some kind of meta achievement involved to deodorize the movie itself.

But obviously his Before trilogy deserved WAY more Oscar love than it got.

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No way. Bloodless?? Mon dieu. I didnā€™t think it was that bad. You have no respect just for the achievement? I feel like thatā€™s a separate consideration than whether the movie is any good at all.

Watching a kid go through a garden-variety childhood that millions of children go through? Big pile of meh. I honestly donā€™t mind it being nominated given the achievement, there are worse BP nominees for sure, but having seen people earnestly argue that it was robbed of the win has probably radicalized me and made me loath to give it much of any credit. The notion of it deserving the BP win (which I realize you clearly did not argue; Iā€™m just bringing invisible but real ghosts into the conversation) is so absurd that Iā€™m on tilt just thinking about it.

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I think weā€™re not that far apart. I wouldnā€™t say it is anywhere close to deserving Best Picture or even a nomination. Iā€™m not very fond of Birdman either, tho there was a fun push to celebrate all things Michael Keaton for a little while.

Holy smokes, Blood Simple is one heck of a movie. On Criterion now.