Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Thought Fury Road was amazing.

Not to worry, LKJ just needs to watch it 3 more times and then he will see the light!

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Look: I, too, think itā€™s great if a person has gone through life desperately seeking an answer to the age-old question, ā€œwhat if Limp Bizkit was a movie?ā€

But I admit that my anti-Fury Road trolling has likely gotten stale, so Iā€™ll try to find some new material. At least until the damn prequel comes out.

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It was new to me, this thread is moving too fast to keep up with most of the time for me!

:metal: :cookie:


Iā€™ve only seen it the once in the theatre but I do get your analogy. However, I would argue it is more like what if Rage Against the Machine was a movie in that itā€™s the best possible version of that type of chaos and bravado.

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Maybe part of the dynamic is that the high rating itself motivates criticism. This happens with restaurants, too, if I go to the new restaurant with great reviews then my expectations are sky high and I will evaluate it on that curve. Whereas if I just walked into the place with no expecations Iā€™d just think itā€™s amazing.

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I didnā€™t love FR but thats because nothing can match up to watching The Road Warrior on my uncleā€™s laserdisc player.

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Hard to top this

Batman logo by his foot

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About to see monkey man, kinda hyped

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Wicked Little Letters

Decent little movie. It feels like Jessie Buckley too often gets material that sheā€™s better than, so I was at least glad to see something that properly centered her and let her charisma jump off the screen. Itā€™s a total lightweight, so I donā€™t think it will be the film that elevates her to a noticeably higher level (though Iā€™m confident that day is coming), but it had its charms and was overall worth the watch. Olivia Colman was reliably solid as always.


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Did you watch her in Fargo Season 4?

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No, I didnā€™t get that far in Fargo, didnā€™t actually realize she was in a season.

She wasā€¦something, very worth watching if you like her, even though that was the weakest season due to its repetitiveness.

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I just dialed up a random scene from it on YouTube. I am intrigued.

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Based on the trailer I was looking for a fun, filthy movie. Love Coleman and Buckley but I was sort of disappointed with your review. I mean 3/5 is still something I will watch but I was hoping for something more. I donā€™t post here a ton but I do look forward to your reviews, LKJ.

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Yeahā€¦I regret to report that itā€™s a bit weaker than the trailer. It has a good trailer for sure. To be clear: with a modern movie, I definitely only give 3/5 if I think a movie is above average. (I admit 3/5 is sometimes code for ā€œI didnā€™t really like it, but everyone says itā€™s a classic and who the hell am I?ā€ with consensus classics from the past.)

Itā€™s still worth your time IMO, just donā€™t expect the moon.