Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

This is the funniest move of the 90s hand down.

This would be a close second.

If you haven’t seen these I highly recommend.

That list is missing the GOAT movie friends: Lee and Cushing, who made 24 movies together over decades.

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Had never seen Kubrick’s The Killing but checked it out after Trolly posted about it. It was a good watch. Really good for it’s time but has some flaws that I think a lot of 60+ year old movies have. I didn’t even know it existed so that was interesting in and of itself. It’s free on Amazon Prime right now.


Yeah, that’s the closest explanation for what I was going for.

That’s the hard part with comedy. The plot can be entirely stupid (Ace Ventura) but the gags can make it a good.

Porkys had some deep stuff but I think fits dumb.

Very tough to define. Especially when we are talking the best dumb- it becomes an oxymoron. The whole setup may be stupid but the execution is chefs kiss. The Jerk (my first R rated movie) fits.

For me Happy Gilmore is not dumb. Billy Madison probably. Big Daddy yes.


You said it. It can be tough to judge when it’s a dumb movie setup but executed well. What if you make a C level movie with A level smarts? Well then you either get Happy Gilmore or Spring Break.

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I guess my examples of stupid movies that I think are fun to watch are the Clint Eastwood “Every Which Way…” movies.

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The musical scenes are great, the rest of the movie is spotty, and it certainly doesn’t justify being a 2:15 comedy. Overall, pretty good. Every time I thought I’d be more effusive than that, it would fall into a sequence I didn’t care about. But I’m glad I watched.

First hour of Natural Born Killers is something :harold: I didn’t enjoy the acid trip stylized visuals and constant cuts at all. Not what I was expecting the movie to be like.

Second half in the jail was better, Tommy Lee Jones was great.

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Caddyshack is a great example. The making of it sounds like pure chaos. No way was that some brilliant story boarding. It was more how do we tie together all this footage after we filmed all these bits.

Toss in a little class warfare and let great comedians do their thing.


Yea I watched it last year and wasn’t a fan really

I had zero interest in watching the latest (2023) Indiana Jones until now. However, after recently watching the 4th one from 2008 (watchable but very dull), where Harrison Ford was already way way too old for the part (and you can see they edited around that), I’m curious on how they managed to make another one 15 years later, where’s there should be not even a little credibility in him doing action scenes ?
For those who have seen, is this latest one an interesting trainwreck or just standard boring ?

I thought it was better than Crystal Skull and fairly enjoyable. Phoebe Waller Bridge was a nice addition. Obviously well short of Raiders and Last Crusade, but if you’re interested I think it’s worth a go.

Disclaimer: my reaction seems to be more positive than the consensus.


I enjoyed it but that’s it

Raiders and LC I will watch anytime

ToD specific scenes

Skull and whatever they call this one-not so much.

It’s an anthology film, so presumably we won’t get the same amount of Emma Stone we got in her last two collabs with Yorgos, but I’m looking forward to this.

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Well this is odd. To be able to see it for free is one thing, but being able to permanently obtain a digital copy of 2001 for free? I just did it; seemingly no strings attached. Anyway, PSA.

(You can safely skip Ernest Saves Christmas. It’s a bit worse than 2001.)


I’ve never seen, so now is a good time


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I probably wouldn’t be the one to throw stones since I only first saw it last year. But it’s incredible. Very rare immediate five-star rating from me. Usually I’m skittish about doling those out to almost anything.

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