Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The scene has plenty going for it. And it leaves me going, “why are you clowning around in this scene?”

Went to YT to check it and thought, “yep, still bad.” Then scrolled down saw this.


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Went to an event at the local Flix last night centered around Resovoir Dogs. Got me thinking about QT movies. Jackie Brown is easily a T3 Tarantino movie for me if not #1 but i rarely ever see it mentioned at all. I rewatched it today to see if I was just misremembering 10+ years later and it’s an absolute masterpiece. Is it just the fact it’s a slower movie? Less gratuitous violence? Because it came right after Pulp Fiction?

Grier and Max Cherry absolutely crushed that movie. You also get DeNiro as a believable burnout/stoner, Keaton and SLJ at just about the height of his powers. Not to mention it has a very interesting and frankly touching ending.


Fully agree on it being top three QT and really feeling under-discussed. I don’t get it either.


Right there with you. It’s my favorite Tarantino movie.


It doesn’t have a lot of the over-the-top violence that Tarantino is known for, there are romantic elements, I think that’s why a lot of bros that normally gravitate toward Tarantino movies aren’t as into it.

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Villeneuve said the potential of working with Pugh and Taylor-Joy again for “Dune Messiah” is a driving force in his inspiration to direct a third film.

“I love her,” Villeneuve said of actress Taylor-Joy. “I would love to make ‘Dune Messiah’ just to work with her and Florence more. Those actresses are so inspiring. They give me chills and the will to do another one.”

Taylor Joy will be Paul’s sister? She’s like 12 or something, interesting.

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that’s more what I’ve always pictured in my head

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The original Dune movie got at least a few things right.

Just realized Tom Cruise is now older than Paul Newman was in The Color Of Money

Glad she’s still going to do some acting too. I loved Frances Ha.


Love Lies Bleeding

Dammit, this was great until they decided not to end the movie well. I hate it when filmmakers do that. I’ve tried to rationalize that aspect, but I don’t think the rationalizing part of me is winning out.

Even so, I thought this was really well-crafted and well-executed at most points, and this is probably the best non-Dune movie released so far in 2024. Recommended viewing.


In an unremarkable office space, a select group of aging engineers find themselves at the leading edge of discovery. Fighting outdated technology and time, Voyager’s flight-team pursues humankind’s greatest exploration.

If you didn’t watch It’s Quieter in the Twilight the last time, here’s your chance again. It’s now on Prime if you prefer to watch without ads. Also free on Tubi if commercials don’t bother.

Looks pretty bad. Sad to see it, but none of these movies has ever matched the original.

I’ve loved The Shining for decades and have always had it graded very highly, but for some reason it took listening to this Blank Check podcast about it to slap me across the face with the reality that I have no excuse for grading it even slightly below five-star status. They do a great job of highlighting everything that’s great about the film. Sure, the ghosts letting Jack out of the freezer is shitty and is the one thing I feel actively serves as a negative when I assess it, but it’s as close to perfect as it needs to be to join rarefied five-star status.


Dream scenario is out on HBO today


Sick. Adding to the list.

I’m also looking forward to watching BlackBerry on Hulu. I heard it’s great.

I’m watching Blackberry just for Dennis Reynolds and that hot hairstyle.

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New Crow looks okay. Was never a big fan of the original.

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