Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

As a 90s kid Wild Things was a legendary movie


Kinda hard to jerk off in the car at 9 pm

Dune 2 was insanely good. Bring on part 3.


Also, let it be known that the best atomic bomb exploding scene was in Dune 2, not Oppenheimer.

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Spoiler tag dang it

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Wow what a cast

Damn it thats a great cast, but I havent really found a Phoenix led movie that I enjoy all that much. Beau was pretty good, and I enjoyed Her in spite of Phoenix being there but aside from that he just doesnt do it for me.

With an ensemble like that, Iā€™m not expecting Phoenix to be as central as he is in something like Beau is Afraid. Obviously just guessing though; that A24 tweet is all I know. Iā€™m not really an Ari Aster guy so far, at least not as much as others are, but with a cast like that Iā€™m never not watching it as soon as itā€™s available.

I enjoyed parts of Hereditary and most of Midsommar and Beau, but yeah, hes certainly not at the top of active directors. He makes interesting art house shit with fun visuals. Most of the people who love him come off to me as thinking his works are a lot depper than they actually are.

Iā€™m a big Aster fan and, for me, he is one of the top active directors. Beau solidified that for me.

Love all three of his movies but it took me a while to watch Beau. I was nervous I wasnā€™t going to like it and, I suppose subconsciously, I didnā€™t want to hate it and have it tarnish my appreciation for Aster. Watched it and felt silly, it was great. Lost me a bit in those last 10 minutes (the trial) but I need to revisit it before I can properly assess. I hope to get back to it soon.

Not sure about your ā€œpeople who love him come off to me as thinking his works are a lot deeper than they actually are.ā€ statement. Iā€™ve heard the same stated before about various directors and I find it mostly means that the person making the statement didnā€™t appreciate the film the same way and itā€™s a manner of minimizing or handwaving away someone elseā€™s appreciation.

Nothing personal, Iā€™ve just seen that statement, or some variation of it, a ton and I always find it dismissive.

Iā€™m always going to be an easy mark for a director like Aster, like Lanthimos, like Cosmatos. I appreciate the swings they take and I enjoy weird fever dreams. Lanthimos shows a little more diversity in his movies. Aster really doubles down on grief and anxiety. Iā€™m curious if he can switch that gear. Cosmatos? I have no idea what that man is doing but Iā€™m in for it.

I thought Beau was great until he got away from Nathan Laneā€™s home. After that, the movie got really spotty for me.

I donā€™t entirely disagree, LKJ, but Iā€™m a little more forgiving. The opening stuff at his apartment and then with Lane are great. I did enjoy the stuff in the forest with the theater troupe but not as much as the first two set pieces.

The he arrives at his motherā€™s. I liked him and Parker Posey (another soft spot of mineā€¦ Parker Posey). However after the reveal about the mother and into the trialā€¦ a bit rougher for me.

I did think the Parker Posey segment brought it back to some extent. But I was overall left feeling like there was a much better shorter movie tucked into that three-hour experience, and Iā€™m in no way negative on three-hour movies as a general rule.


Tommy Lee Jonesā€™s young deputy in No Country for Old Men has to make the list for worst character in a five-star movie.

I would be inclined to blame the performance, but I think the Coens share in the blame for allowing or even encouraging him to play the role in such an annoying way.

What was so bad about it? That actor is a hey itā€™s that guy.

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His reaction to the fresh milk bottle is an egregious delivery. I admit Iā€™m probably putting a lot on just that one reading.

He did a good job in Nebraska. Not necessarily a bad actor or anything.

EDIT: Wait, thatā€™s not him. I sure am bad about mixing actors up.

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Really?? The milk bottle scene is one of my favorites of the movie. I love when Sheriff Bell sits down in the same place as Chigurh and gets the same reflection in the TV. Obv Iā€™m not praising the other guyā€™s performance, but I thought it was good in the scene. He was also good as the prototype Terminator in Sarah Conner Chronicles.

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