Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Little pieces of evidence indicate LKJ was not a viewer of USA Up All Night movie specials. Hard to miss Tremors if you were watching whatever they were playing.


Iā€™ll concede that his schtick is his schtick. I loved the Deadpool movies and could watch him in The Proposal over and over, but otherwise itā€™s real hit or miss. He peaked with Waiting and Adventureland. Free Guy was good tho.

I dont like Zach Snyder at all. The point im making there is there are very, very few people who have made multiple original stories with big budgets. Almost everything is a remake/sequel/comic/book adaptation. Ill even give the adaptations a pass.

This is much more egregious than missing The Room

So did you get to The Godfather yet or what?

Hey man, Tremors and The Room are cultural zeitgeist. Whoā€™s really seen this ā€œGodfatherā€ you speak of?

You still havenā€™t seen it? FFS.

Do you just exist to piss LKJ off?

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Hey, if he wants to watch The Room tonight, Ill go mano a mano and watch The Godfather

[taps the sign]


This is like saying, ok Iā€™ll have sex with Natalie Portman if you agree to have sex with the 4 week dead corpse of Roseanne Barr.

Inb4 kink shaming post!

Iā€™m not seeing the problem here.

I also reject the comparison.

The Room is more like wine that has aged so long its turned to motor oil. Still great, just maybe a different use case than you expected.

Gotta say, your sales pitches of this movie have not become more compelling over the years.

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I can see the love if you are into the whole ā€œso bad itā€™s good thingā€. I reject the entire notion. Never understood it all. Never understood why it only exists for movies. Nobody says a novel was so bad itā€™s good. Or a painting. Or poem.

Iā€™ve never claimed that The Room is so bad its good.

Its a genuine masterpiece.

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You obviously donā€™t think this but I know lots of people love it for the camp so no worries. :grin:

Iā€™ve seen it. Itā€™s really bad as advertised. Iā€™ll admit, it made me smile a few times because he is so earnest.

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Iā€™m afraid weā€™re going to have to go to the tape.


Did you know Panos Cosmatos is the son of the guy who directed Cobra? Iā€™m just learning this now.

Ok and Snyder has done what that fits that? Sucker Punch?

The last two netflix ones fit (army of the dead was at least watchable).

Dont hate myself enough to try rebel moon