Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The sci-fi I like has deep philosophical ideas. Dune part 1 was Star Wars good vs evil stuff we have seen a million times. I am hoping part 2 deepens the ideas some.

Donā€™t his movies make a ton of money? They suck, but the movies he directed have over $3 billion in global box office.

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OG Solaris is my favorite sci-fi film.

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Ya that would be on my top 10 for sure.

Others I love are

Children of Men
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
BR 2049
The Matrix
The Martian

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And annihilation!

Eternal sunshine. What a movie

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It feels to me like one where youā€™ll know relatively early in the film whether itā€™s going to work for you, if that helps.

Thanks, but I almost never quit a film before the end, and Iā€™m sure this one is not bad enough to qualifyā€¦Iā€™ll get around to it at some point but it might take me a while (my watchlist is filled with 2h20+ movies I want to watch but never find the time to).

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the only film Iā€™ve ever literally walked out of was Cruel Intentions (I must have been in high school when this was in theaters? I donā€™t remember who I went to see it with but it must have been doubly bad for both of us to agree that it was that awful)

I saw Eternal Sunshine with my then-ex in Portland. It was a little awkward but that probably heightened the experience.

I never used to walk out but now I am much more apt to quit a movie early if itā€™s bad. Bad movies just donā€™t deserve my time.

@CanadaMatt3004 I think that the notion of objective film reviewer Chris Stuckmann is fully dead as of the first minute of this video. Seems clear, with him trying to break into the business, that he has no desire to actually give a negative review that might cause him any static.

Granted, a long video saying ā€œIā€™m not going to talk shit about this movie, but I will talk about how its existence marks a crisis in the industryā€ is as implicitly negative as it gets, but the declaration that his impulse is to only do reviews that celebrate film is a tough one.

(Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll still be watching his videos.)

I have noticed that in the last year or so. His reviews are exclusively reseved for movies he find at least passable unless they are significantly older. Im in aggreance with you that as you become a peer in the filmmaking industry, being an effective critic is almost impossible

This is a great podcast episode. Sounds like I will no longer be seeing this movie. My main hope was seeing lots of Spider ladies in costume.

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Midnight Boys have great chemistry. The usual mix is Charles being the toughest to please, easily the most common negative voice, Van being a moderate that skews positive, and Jomi and Steve actively trying to put a positive spin on things. The show overall tends to be more positive than the average people covering nerd stuff. When theyā€™re all relentlessly piling on then the work theyā€™re covering is in rough shape.

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To your last comment they took the source material and only got like 50% of the way through it for the first movie. Part 2 is going to go the rest of the way so I think they should definitely be viewed as one film.

and yeah I love me some sand movies :joy: were you not a fan of the Kevin Bacon classic Tremors?

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Tremors I have not seen. I mean I donā€™t actually have anything against sand movies; Iā€™m very much a Star Wars fan and they spend a lot of damn time in the sand. It was just the common link I saw between Dune and Fury Road.

Iā€™m definitely hoping Dune 2 changes my tune. Iā€™m glad the buzz is really positive. I didnā€™t think the original was bad by any means, but I just wasnā€™t seeing the greatness that others were.

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They were so negative that they couldnā€™t agree whether the next Deadpool will be good lol

On a side note, Van Lathan reminds me a lot of Quentin Jiles from season one of The Traitors. They have the same voice when they get excited. I had to see a video of Van to be convinced theyā€™re not the same person.

Iā€™m not a Deadpool guy myself. Ryan Reynolds is what you get when you take Paul Rudd and strip away the charm.

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