Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Uh, yeah. This movie completely fucked up my brain when I watched it… in the mid 80s as a probably 11 or 12 year old. It’s probably 50% of why I’m as fucked up as I am now.

Yea I finally checked into it and seems like a really good deal imo, 12 movies a month for like 22 bucks? Plus rewards etc on other shit

With the way they backload award contenders into December, my A-List had me going the full 3x/week for at least that month. It’s totally expected for January to be way weaker, but the comedown has been a bit of a bummer after I got into the habit of going so frequently. Of course, that’s why they don’t simply let you stop paying during weak months and then dip right back in when the movies get better again.

The sparser offerings caused me to slum it and go to Anyone but You recently. Mistakes were made. I didn’t have high expectations; I hoped it could be as good as something like No Hard Feelings, but figured that it was more likely to just be a replacement-level romcom. It’s worse than replacement-level IMO. Hits some of the usual beats capably at times, but the number of “this is so fucking stupid” moments were just too many.

Honestly, I’m pretty sure it’s Nathan Fielder’s fault for doing cross-promotion for the movie when he and Emma reenacted the Powell/Sweeney promo for it. That somehow made it cooler by association to me. Whoops.


Beau is Afraid is certainly a movie.

Thats not to say I think its bad, I liked quite a bit of it and there are a lot of laughs in it, its just… a lot.

Probably my favorite Phoenix performance ever though

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The first hour or so is really good (while being really uncomfortable). But it really feels like it loses its way and never comes close to meriting a full three-hour odyssey.

That said, the Parker Posey sequence late in the movie is fantastic. Fennessey mentioned on The Big Picture that Mariah Carey attended the movie’s premiere, which is awesome given the context.

Lol thats awesome. Its certainly the most humorous sex scene Ive ever seen, but yeah the entire follow up, especially the attic scene and boat scene were very… off to me.

I get what they were going for, but man, I would have liked to spend more time with Nathan Lane and Holly from the Office than we got.

The forrest sequence is long but the visuals really make it a treat at that point in the movie

Please post thoughts if/when you see it… i saw it last week and I want to hear as many opinions as possible. I’m not even sure if I liked it, but I keep thinking about it, which is not a feeling I get from movies very often.

I’ve got it penciled in for Monday night

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Caught a matinee of it today. In a poorly heated theater where I kept my jacket on and it was still too cold, but thankfully the movie was interesting enough throughout that it held my attention. I liked it. But, like you, I will probably need to keep thinking on it and trying to unpack it.

I mean…the eventual romance was lined with ick on multiple levels, but as a non-judgmental view of what could play out that was consistent with the characters, I didn’t regard it as bad storytelling.

As far as performance goes, Jessica Chastain is a powerhouse every single time. There’s a reason that all I needed going in was to know that she was the lead and that the movie had solid, albeit non-rave, reviews so far. I was mostly blind on the actual subject matter. 3.5/5.

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In honor of this week’s ridiculous cold snap, the best cold-weather conversation in movie history:


Godfather I: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
Godfather II: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
Godfather III: WTF :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

I honestly now understand the conflict over whether to rate GF I or II as better. It’s not just that the answer is so flexible, it’s that it’s fun to play the movies off each other and obsess over their best parts.

And I now understand the reputation of part 3. Pacino is of course great, and the assassination attempts are exciting, but the rest of the movie is awful from top to bottom. I stopped an hour in.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest


Never seen it. Heard it was good but it was really good. Other than all the compliments I’ll say I did like the subtly of it. Nurse Ratchet doesn’t do any obvious cartoon villain stuff and when McMurphy finally cracks he doesn’t explain why but you know why.


Couple of interesting actors in this movie I didnt catch til my most recent rewatch.

Christopher LLoyd, Danny Devito, and Brad Dourif of Child’s Play fame.


I didn’t even recognize Danny DeVito until I looked at IMDB


Wtf unrecognizable and yet completely nizable

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Wish I could make Cuckoo’s Nest work for me. I’ve tried twice, and I certainly think it’s decent, but it’s historic stature I feels beyond my reach for some reason. And I love Nicholson.


Fun fact I just heard.

When killers of the flower moon is nominated for best picture this year that will mean Jesse Plemons will have starred in a best picture nominated film 4 of the last 6 years.

Dude can pick em and act a little.

Saw The Holdovers…on Peacock!

Excellent. Not roll on the floor funny comedy, but more like a thoughtful, smart comedy with emotions. And hell, even if you knew nothing about it, the fact that Paul Giamatti is in it means it has a really high floor.

Happy he’s getting the props he deserves.


Good to read a post like this after seeing stuff like

“The Social Network” is the best movie of the last 20 years.