Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Shakespearean plot.

Best score of the decade.

Best dialogue of the decade.

A few of the best examples of cinematography of the decade.

Great acting.

Insightful about capitalism and the digital economy.

Justin timberlake kills it.

Justin Timberlake is indeed pretty remarkable in it. I remembered him being in it, but hadnā€™t remembered how great he was.

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Theyā€™ve taken their sweet time, but those who havenā€™t gotten around to Oppenheimer will finally have their subscription-included streaming opportunity in about a month.

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I think this is key. If Trent Reznor does it for you, that pushes this movie into ā€œall-time greatā€ territory for you. If he doesnā€™t, you think itā€™s a solid flick but donā€™t get the hype.

Reznor does it for me. The music in this movie just hits a spot. Think Iā€™m going to go put it on to fall asleep to.


This is basically how I feel whenever I hear about Mad Max: Fury Road being an all-time great. I remember it as being a completely unenjoyable theater experience, and I have no inclination to revisit it. The only explanation I can think of is that we saw it when our kids were still fairly young, we werenā€™t going out to the movies ever, and so this one particular night out was a super big event that completely failed to live up to expectations.

(Another movie we saw during that period was Manchester by the Sea, but even though we walked out of that movie feeling pretty emotionally wrecked, we both thought it was very good. Fury Road just seemed like we were subjected to really load noises for 2 hours.)

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100% with you on Fury Road, though with Furiosa coming out later this year I might cave and try to rewatch Fury Road just in case it was a matter of me not being in the right mood or something. But if I do, Iā€™m giving myself an opt-out at the 20-minute mark. Ainā€™t no way Iā€™m going to put myself through two full hours of that again if I find that itā€™s hitting me the same way.

Iā€™ve heard this before but not sure if its true. Is Reznor one of those weird musical super geniuses like Flavor Flav?

Always faded Social Network because of Sorkin and lol Facebook. Iā€™d maybe watch it if I see it on an airplane but thatā€™s probably the only way itā€™s happening at this point.

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Have my doubts about social network,

Mods plz ban the fury road haters

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The Social Network is an incredible movie. Idk how many times Iā€™ve rewatched it. Agree about the Reznor score, itā€™s kept me company many times as background music. What a stunning evolution for Reznor. Such a range of talent to be able to have made these new scores as well as the best Nine Inch Nails music.

I loved the experience of Fury Road in the theater but will admit I havenā€™t seen it ever again. The prequel with Anya Taylor Joy as Furiosa sounds fun, even if Iā€™d have rather just had Charlize Theron as is playing a younger version of herself. Her talent makes even bad movies feel like Oscar bait.

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That movie Threads (1984) I watched a few days ago was way too dark and weird for me. It was just too much. Tonight, Iā€™m going to chill out and watch The Devils (1971) on Criterion, which I think is some kind of 70ā€™s sex comedy about some nuns and their zany hijinks? Sounds fun!

Update: holy shit, this movie rules



This was supposed to be Justin Timberlakeā€™s comeback movie but Britney Spears crashed it, butā€™s itā€™s all right murder thriller. Really Benicio Del Toro does the best job in it.

Thereā€™s a funny fuck you pysch out in the middle though. Thereā€™s the trope of the cell phone number used by the killer. The detective calls the number and the screen cuts to the killer picking up the phone. Except this cuts to one of the suspects picking up a phone, then cut to another suspect dialing a number, cut to another suspect picking up the phone, on and on until everyone the movie wants you to suspect has picked up or made a phone call

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Sociedad de la Nieve ( Society of the Snow)


A dramatization of the plane crash in the Andes. Thereā€™s only one thatā€™s that famous. I read the book so knew what to expect. The movie is pretty good. Itā€™s done in Spanish with subtitles. Normally a movie about survivorship would give a 30 minute segment to introduce the characters and get to know them a bit before disaster strikes.

This movie doesnā€™t do that. Within 10 minutes of the movie starting the plane has crashed. So you learn about the people in the context of them surviving. Itā€™s also mostly focused on them as individuals trying to survive so what could have been the most notorious thing they did to survive isnā€™t highlighted too much. Itā€™s there, and they donā€™t downplay it, but itā€™s all in the context of what they need to do to survive.


Been curious about this one. I really like the earlier Ethan Hawke-led adaptation Alive.

Been watching movies more lately, got AMC A list and plan to see a ton this year, also went to one by myself for the first time and a few times since and enjoying it.

Some Iā€™ve seen recently:

Godzilla minus one- saw in theater, really great

Barbie - watched at home, enjoyable than I expected

Unbearable weight of massive talent - watched at home, thought Iā€™d be funnier but I enjoyed it

A man called Otto - watched this while giving blood and cried a few times, loved it

Poor things - saw in theater, went in not knowing a whole lot was surprised how sexual it was, loved it

Napoleon- saw in theater all by myself, I enjoyed this not knowing much other than waterloo and Russia about Napoleon, phoenix was great, 7/10

X - saw at home, pretty good slasher movie

Pig - saw at home, Iā€™m a nick cage fan and this was quite good

Next theater ones planned: memory, color purple, beekeeper, and American fiction


I salute your efforts to get more eyes on this movie. Itā€™s great.


Yea I knew someone mentioned it here and went back and read your posts after I watched it, really great, I havenā€™t read the book but read anxious people and liked it alot

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This is me, I got Alist too and see 1-2 movies a week. American Fiction is incredible. The Beekeeper is a default Statham flick (heā€™s awesome, script/supporting cast is meh).

Why is there so many flicks set in Boston this winter lol. Holdovers, American Fiction, Beekeeperā€¦each one has had scenes 1. Holdovers - across the street from the movie theater 2. AF- a block from my work 3. Beekeeper - Many famous buildings in the city, including near work as well. Our old building was one of the villainā€™s headquarters lol. Ainā€™t no way they have an FBI field house in city hall too. Beekeeperā€™s location decisions as a person who lives here were WILD.

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