Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Same. I read the book in high school, this was definitely one thing that stuck out for me. It’s waaaay too subtle in the movie

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I’m not as much of a Godfather-head as LKJ, but I’ve read the book a few times. I’ve definitely read The Sicilian, Fools Die, and The Fourth K by Puzo. I can’t remember if I’ve read any of his other ones. The Sicilian is very much in the spirit of The Godfather (actually the same universe). Fools Die is fairly different - as I recall it was much more about the casino business and featured more civilians than gangsters. I’m somewhat tempted to go back and read it again now that I’m thinking about it - it’s probably been at least 20 years. The Fourth K is all about a fictitious Kennedy presidency, and I don’t recall it having anything to do with the mafia. I’m tempted to revisit this one, too. (Nostalgia trips like this are why I have trouble reading the new books in my queue.)

They’re all pretty quick reads and I’m pretty sure 20-30 years older me enjoyed them. I think Puzo is a better story teller than a writer if that makes sense.

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Nah, haven’t really jumped into anything else from Puzo. Honestly, it took editing this into a movie to really make it a classic. It’s great source material, but the movie is better. Of course, Puzo did the screenplay, so he still gets a ton of credit. But it seems like Coppola had to rein in Puzo’s worse impulses.

All of this is to say that I’m okay with the movie taking out the extended book subplot driven by just how huge Sonny’s dick is (aside from that quick allusion to it when his wife is bragging at the wedding reception).

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You know what, I will go to the mat to defend Long Kiss Goodnight, massively underappreciated dumb 90’s action movie. Also, you know you love Deep Blue Sea, you know when it was on TBS back in the day you were watching it, don’t lie.


This is a little random, but I was just reminded.

Who watched the Long Shot with Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron?

For some reason, I just fucking love that movie. It’s literally the funniest movie I’ve ever seen and will quite happily watch it again and again

It’s pretty woke (with one pretty shit exception about the Philippines) is political, and then makes a bunch of sex, masturbation and drug taking jokes that are right in my wheel house.

Not everyone’s cup of tea I imagine, but a big recommendation from me.


Watched Eraserhead

It was not that good imo

I watched LKG like 10 times when we got it from BB.


Renny is the king of low budget explosions. If you have a low budget movie or TV show and want good explosions, he’s the first call you should make.

I loved it too. Made me laugh a lot.

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Probably my favorite Rogan movie, though I think 95% of that credit goes to Theron.

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If flipping channels and come across, auto stop and watch. When she comes out of the water wheel thing…


We could have had an entire action franchise with Geena Davis and Samuel L Jackson, America just wasn’t ready for it at the time.


I love TLKG. Great scene when she is doing knife work with food worthy of The Bear until she throws the knife perfectly into the wall lol. Also a great role for Sam J. This movie primed me to also enjoy A History of Violence.

Damn same guy directed Cliffhanger? A++ only rivaled by the homage at the beginning of Ace Ventura 2.

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I keep seeing it on streaming channels and skipping it. I’ll try it out next time.

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Its cute and mostly funny. It suffers from the standard “somehow Seth Rogan of all people can get with the most beautiful women on earth itis” but otherwise its well written and Theron plays really really well.


I enjoyed it enough to remember it.

Ordinary guy getting the beauty has become such a trope than the anti-trope has become a trope. The guy ends up with his cute and quirky best friend instead of the beauty.

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Men at Work

This was pretty lame, barely any laughs out of me. The bad guy was like a perfect lame 80/90s villain though. Emilio wrote, directed and starred in it which is impressive I guess.

Top Gun Maverick

Finally got around to watching this. I give it 3 of 4 Pitchforks. It was ridiculous but I got watery eyes a couple of times. Nostalgia for the original, I guess. Anyway, the mission plan was the same as the Rebel Alliance attack on the Death Star.


Oh hell yeah.


Alright, I watched The King of Comedy last night (pretty great). I agree with this now.