Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Caught up on this now. Bill even seemed to be willing to concede the point a little. Will love Larry David even more if these things suddenly start getting announced up front after the slate of live shows come out over the next few weeks.

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I have a new article with Script Magazine on movies and TV shows featuring Dissociative Identity Disorder.


The Incredible Hulk is totally fine until he gets angry. Then he turns green and gets real strong. Combine that with the aforementioned anger and it is a recipe for disaster.

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I wish every episode of Rewatchables had Van Lathan.

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Love Van every time. But I also wouldn’t want to get rid of any of the default main three. And I think three is the right number, so I don’t want them to try to clog things up with a fourth.

I’ve just learned to see it as a special occasion when they have Van on.

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I’ve long held the opinion that Good Will Hunting is overrated. Upon rewatch, I must say: I get the raves more than I used to. It’s a great movie.

As unpopular 90s movies takes go, though: Jurassic Park is still wildly overrated, with all due respect to an extremely enjoyable Jeff Goldblum performance. And I gave that one another shot like 2-3 years ago. My underwhelmed teenage self was right.

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It’s not your fault.





Just watched the Northman. So damn dark (low light). It was good but not the 90% on RT. Viewer rating of 64 makes more sense.

2/5 on the Sisu scale for vengeful Scandavians.

I’d like to see a Norse/Viking movie where the mysticism is believed by the people but clearly bullshit.

The inspiration goes back to a job Tarantino had as a teen, loading porn magazines into a vending machine and emptying quarters out of the cash dispenser. “All the other stuff was too skanky to read, but then there was this porno rag that had a really interesting movie page,” he told Bamigboye. There was one critic in particular Tarantino liked, who wrote snarky and smart as the second-string critic.

Past Lives is now on Paramount. Everyone who hasn’t seen it should view now as the time put it at the front of your streaming queue.


Watching it Saturday, thanks for the reminder

For the Canadians here it’s on Amazon prime.

Another broadly recommendable A24 film also just recently hit Paramount: You Hurt My Feelings. If you saw Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s past film Enough Said, where she co-starred with James Gandolfini, this is a JLD reunion with the same director, and IMO this movie is as good or better.

It operates on a small scope and is altogether understated, so I won’t devote the same superlatives to it that I do to other films, but it absolutely works.


Loved Enough Said and been meaning to watch it again. Thanks for this.

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Benny Safdie disappears so hard into this role. It’s not just that he’s playing the wholesome father with no twists to it, but he’s incredibly charming. During the same year that he plays a huge creep on The Curse and plays a duplicitous supporting role in Oppenheimer. None of these three characters feel like they have basically any overlap between them. Dude is some sort of chameleon.

Rachel McAdams is the standout here since she gets more to do, but I really can’t believe how sharp of a casting Safdie turned out to be for this.

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lol me I didn’t realize it was him till this post!