Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

He was on a few episodes of Law and Order. It was weird thinking, “Wow, that goofy drummer is now the Governor of New York.”

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Don’t forget that Giovanni Ribisi was also in it.

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Poor bastard really did lose everything when he broke his arm. He even fell out of my memory. But yeah, good reminder, he was in it and his career didn’t insta-collapse.

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Lol, I was just thinking about Mouth the other day. Excellent song.

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My wife is a total pride and prejudice junkie, and will often just have it on while doing paperwork or whatever on the couch

One of my kids just plopped down on the couch one night while this was happening, which led to basically non-stop MST3K style commentary (my theory here is that kids have never lived in a world where you couldn’t rewind everything so they have no hesitation about talking over anything).

“This chick is 15 and married??? Kinda cringe.”

(Re: Mr Darcy) “this guy is a simp”

“are you FOND”??? “May I PERSUADE you”??? Who talks like this

Me: English people

Jr: no wonder they get bullied online

Needless to say, my wife did not enjoy this.


Dead Man on Campus though…but yeah that’s all I’ve got

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Darcy really is a simp, tho. Kid nailed that one.

young wabsgans

that’s all i needed

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Yeah that’s the Zack Morris one. Even during my summers working the video store and having unlimited free rentals as a perk, I couldn’t bring myself to give that one a go, so I don’t actually know whether it’s good.

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Ethan Embry :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

He was every girl’s crush at that age.

Jordan Peele must have been a fan. Ethan was in an EXCELLENT s2 episode of Twilight Zone called “The Who of You” about an out of work actor who can suddenly possess other people and do whatever he wants – assuming he can initiate them well enough when in their body.

Oh yeah, he was in Vegas Vacation too.

I always found it funny that his character in That Thing You Do didn’t get a name. Was just credited as “T.B. Player.”

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I assume it was the bad Vegas Vacation?

That’s a joke. They’re all bad.

That’s a joke too. I just don’t enjoy them.

Did you see Sneaky Pete? He played the “real” Pete.

Sneaky Pete follows Marius, a con man who gets out of prison only to find himself hunted by the vicious gangster he once robbed. With nowhere else to turn, Marius takes cover from his past by assuming the identity of his cellmate, Pete and then “reunites” with Pete’s estranged family – who have no reason to suspect he is not their long-lost loved one".

I heard rave reviews for it (co created by Bryan Cranston) but never gave it a shot. Now I’m looking at that premise and think I might have missed out.

How many Vegas Vacations are there? Lol

Sneaky Pete was pretty good. Same showrunner as Justified and it shows at times. Ribisi was quite good in it as I recall

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I signed up for a trial of Screambox so I could watch RoboDoc, which is an AMAZING multi part documentary on the making of the original RoboCop. I cannot overstate how good this is if you’re a fan of the movie.

And it turns out Screambox has a wonderful collection of horror movies and thrillers.

Compiled from suppressed footage, Subject follows a man on his way to prison who gets intercepted by a top-secret government agency. In order to serve out this sentence, he’s sent to an isolated facility to observe a terrifying creature up close.

Effective and decisive. There’s nothing better than starting a movie and seeing that even if it’s not to my taste, the director very clearly made decisions for how to create an experience for the audience.

There’s a lot of wasted potential in one particular spot that drops this to a 3/5, but if you’re looking for a movie that’ll have you wtfing and then thinking about it, Subject is a good found footage film.

Not to be confused with The Subjects about folks taking an untested drug to gain superpowers while under confinement and isolation.

Which was also fun but ultimately just okay. It did however inspire this video.

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Finished my latest interview with the creator of Final Destination in time for Halloween :popcorn: