Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I gotta rewatch this, Raid is like the Citizen Kane of martial arts movies.

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Fuck! They better fix this shit in next 7 hours. :slightly_frowning_face:

Wheelchair rental can’t be much

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Hell yeah. Those are two awesome action movies.

For a very different approach to a similar “cop fights his way out of a building” premise, Dredd doesn’t have the same level of stunt work but is a great movie.

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MI7 was a lot of fun, hitting all the familiar notes (maybe slightly heavy on the comedy but that was fine for me), a nice comfort movie. Great supporting cast (mvp for me : Vanessa Kirby and Shea Wigham ('s hair)). Could easily be 30 mins shorter (like every blockbuster of the last 5 years) but whatever.

one thing I didn’t expect was that they’d kill off Rebecca Ferguson to replace her by a younger actress^* so soon…I understand that it’s the cycle of life but that still felt cold
edit : actually looked it up and Haley Atwell is older than RF, my bad lol…(but maybe the character is younger though and I’m still part right !)

My local cinema (AMC) has a theater with 70mm, but they never keep it open. Probably because the imax seats almost 2x. They have it open for Oppenheimer which is fantastic but not using it for other stuff sucks

Looks like it’s 5perf not 15 or something

Some high-level non spoiler Oppenheimer thoughts

  • Sold out theater @11am on a Friday. It’s going to do numbers

  • I knew the cast was insane, but it really hits you when you’re watching people who can easily carry their own movies pop up for a minute of screen time.

  • Watching people talk in rooms for 3 hours CAN be interesting and engaging.

  • Christopher Nolan is one of the most directory directors of his generation, and I kinda love him for it.

Having seen it several times, I still need to give The Insider a full rewatch sometime soon. As is, I tend to just fire up this scene a few times per year.

Unhelpfully, it is on no streaming service that I know of right now.

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A buddy of mine from about 20 yrs ago would walk out of a theater and request a refund if a theater was more than like a quarter full.

It didn’t happen often as he took great efforts to avoid peak times.


Is there a line in Oppenheimer, something about they’re all peeps, the team os lest any man should boast


Guess we are watching in fake imax and got free ticket for another show. Bummed but still excited to see it.

I’m thinking about driving down to Providence (2hr drive) for the 70mm 15perf IMAX. Probably can link it with other stuff so I don’t feel completely insane.

Just make it part of a trip to Foxwoods



I liked it but didnt love it. Didn’t miss 70 mm imax at all. No clue why this was shot in imax. You are missing nothing not seeing it in that format.

Performances A+
Cinematography A
Script B
Editing B-
Woman’s roles F-

What about the sound? Can we hear all the diologue or did he go full Nolan?

Yes. I normally hate Nolan for that reason but the sound mix here was great. No issues at all. Score is actually pretty great.

Well that’s good news. I’m going on Sunday.

Also curious about the F- for the women. I’m not surprised but isn’t a male dominant story considering the era and subject matter? I fully expect the story to be from the male perspective.

Not going to spoil it. Curious what you think after you see it.

Don’t get me wrong. I liked it. He just can’t write women at all. Embarrassingly so.

Re IMAX: I think Nolan was just on his director BS. He wanted the detonation to look dope (which it does), for the outdoor stuff to be as pretty as possible, and doesn’t care that most of the film is basically people talking in rooms.

I definitely understand why Tom Cruise was mad that Oppenheimer bumped Mission Impossible off of IMAX screens