Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I made this for you


Lobbying SAG to allow performers to promote movies in general is pretty damn far from scabbing. I was under the impression he requested a waiver so that he, specifically, could promote HIS movie. Even THAT is not scabbing, but it definitely sounds more self-interested. Maybe he did that too, I don’t know. But either way, it’s definitely not a betrayal of the union like working off the card/crossing the picket line.

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Right I don’t think Cruise is going to do anything that directly breaks lines, but people are plenty angry at standing on a picket line while being surrounded by Tom Cruise/Mission Impossible posters. Def an area where I see why they’re mad even if he technically has done nothing wrong.

Here’s Bob Odenkirk telling me where to stand

Bob Odenkirk told The Wrap “that actors should not be asking for waivers to promote their movies during the SAG-AFTRA strike.”

“Don’t,” the “Better Call Saul” Emmy nominee said succinctly outside Paramount studios on Wednesday. “It’s a strike. Strike. You lose. We lose. Everybody loses. That’s tough s–t.”

24.5 hours to 70mm imax Oppenheimer


Maybe Cruise should work with the studios to figure out ways to financially help theaters stay afloat.

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Variety shows are still permitted. Time for Cruise to show off those dance moves and donate the proceeds to the Entertainment Community Fund

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lol then into Kooks on Hunky dory? Bowie Goat

bowie avi

I like the time when Tom Cruise got kidnapped by Conan O’Brien.

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speakin’ for youoouuu hah

You’re released, but your custody calls

+1 on this one being great, so many memorable images. If you want more from the same guy, Criterion should have Cure (97) which is more of a serial killer thriller, but just like Kairo it does not try to be fun but focuses on creating the creepiest possible atmosphere, quite effectively.

In a different style but also horror, I rewatched The Descent and loved it as much as the first time I saw it decades ago (in fact, since I had a rough memory of where all the jumpscares were, I was less tense, and could just focus on how well-crafted it is). Getting chills just thinking about the final shot (when she wakes up still in the cave and the film ends with a slow zoom out while we can hear the creatures’ screams).
This might be just me being stuck on my early 20s tastes, but this feels like such a perfect movie, I find it hard to understand why this doesn’t have a 10/10 rating on every site.



gonna watch Cure now

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Dude, watch Pulse (2001) first but make sure it’s the Japanese 2001 version. Hot take, but Pule blows the doors off of Cure.

I saw Decent when it came out and basically liked it, I should rewatch because I hear buzz about it all the time so it must hold up pretty well.

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The Descent is a great horror movie. The rare all female cast horror movie.

Please be aware there are two versions. The American edition has a SIGNIFICANTLY different ending and is what was used as the jumping off point for the sequel.

The Descent 2 is an almost as good sequel. It reveals some juicy stuff about part 1, including an immediate spoiler for the ending of p1, so don’t read the plot until/unless you’re ready.


Lol and IIRC they give him a prosthetic penis in Antichrist because the director said his actual organ was so big it would disrupt the movie

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Looks like I’ve got another one to put in the queue:

The only 70mm IMAX screen in the city is essentially sold out all weekend, with only a handful of handicapped seats left