Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Definitely down for this:

Currently on episode 40 of the Age of Napoleon podcast. (It’s quite good, maybe 80% as good as the Revolutions podcast.)

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It is very important that Barbie is at least decent. Can’t open up the woke agenda to any flank attacks.

I enjoy a “grittier” theatre environment for “prestige” films. Can’t really feel the true artistic sentiments amongst the soft bourgeoisie.

Lol this sounds like me before I’ve even seen the movie

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i went in expecting car chases, fist fights, and finally for the hero mr oppenheimer to unleash the greatest weapon in world history on his enemies. there was zero slapstick. i hated this movie.


I liked the part when he said “It’s Oppenheiming time”


The studio barely convinced Nolan, an extreme cinephile, from calling the movie Gone with the Nuclear Wind

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BHCII was on TNT. For Michael Clayton I’ll actually have to pay attention and not be on the computer. So I’m saving it for the right time.

My favorite part was “Big O’s Headboard” with the notches carved in it.

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I liked the Easter egg when the nuke was ready and an assistant said, “Somebody set up us the bomb.”


I still can’t believe anybody actually cares about a movie about some dead physicist. Here is Murray Gell-Mann briefly commenting on Oppenheimer.

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Oppenheimer saying “nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure” was a bit much.


So is it available online? Not going in stoned on this one

Weird plothole that oppie’s big villian plot was to build a device that instantly vaporizes all the drinking water, but leaves human bodies intact.

I am gonna watch the free versions so I can compare if it was really worth the big budget treatment

The opera Doctor Atomic, which was commissioned to portray Oppenheimer as a modern-day Faust.


The play In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer, which first aired on German television, then received theatrical release in Berlin and Munich in October 1964. Oppenheimer’s objections (he passed in 1967) resulted in an exchange of correspondence with Kipphardt, in which the playwright offered to make corrections but defended the play.

After reading a transcript of Kipphardt’s play soon after it began to be performed, Oppenheimer threatened to sue the playwright, decrying “improvisations which were contrary to history and to the nature of the people involved”.

The spiritual sequel produced just twenty years after Oppenheimer’s death

And yes, there was a romance adaptation.


Will you guys please stop spoilering the Oppenheimer movie, some of us failed history class and we don’t want the ending revealed.


And yet you speak fluent enough German to be spoiled by an opera from Berlin :thinking:

So Oppenheimer is a prequel to Armageddon, right?


Ah I see no one has yet spoiled the time travel aspect.

Did you see Flashpoint yet? It’s sort of considered to happen at the same time. Warner Bros at least let that much be clear despite Nolan taking the movie to Universal.

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