Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I’m curious too but even with GLOWING reviews, I refuse to watch the Cheetos movie. This shit is getting out of hand!!1!!!111!

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Wasn’t there some breaking news that this guy’s story wasn’t for real?

That movie just writes itself, bro. Nic Cage has to rescue his daughter by defeating Ralph Fines at an underground, high-stakes Uno tournament. I think the Story Break podcast guys might have even tackled this one.


Can someone please make some AI concept art of Nic Cage playing Uno with Ralph Fines.

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I think like with JW4, there absolutely was intended slapstick humor

Oh for sure. But much of the dialogue was unintentionally funnier than the slapstick.

The Town Rewatchables was everything I hoped it would be. Love hearing those guys talk about Boston.

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Tilda was fantastic in this, as were Clooney and particularly Tom Wilkenson. A+ performances all around. Also makes me miss Sydney Pollack :(

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Michael Clayton is a whole mood and the final shot is so money. Clooney is fantastic.


We got Dune 2 at least, and the new Scorsese.

MI was good I guess but it didn’t blow me away, not a fan of the whole AI thing.



I guess I was envisioning more of a Casino Royale vibe, but with Uno.

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I can do that a lot more easily with Photoshop and to be honest the more specific you get the easier it is for me I’ll be right back :+1:

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I’m basically thinking Casino Royale but with Nic Cage and Uno and really intense villain like Fines or whoever.

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How about Vinny Denafrio as Kingpin?


Long as he meets his Thor multiverse variant

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